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Thread: New Avengers...

  1. #76


    Lets hope that Logan never goes that way. "Not that there's anything wrong with that." Except for Logan.
    Maybe Mystique since they already have a sexual relationship, if she turned good. They could make it work.
    Richard Vasseur

  2. #77


    So who does that leave for Logan?

    But seriously, I wouldn't put too much weight on the Col/Shadow relationship... after all, JW is writing it, and he is notorious for giving great relationships that develop and then suddenly end very harshly. He'll give everyone what they want and then purposelly break their hearts. I also don't think that he'd push for a Wolvie/Cat relationship, but then again he'll also be off the book not too long from now. And they do have a bit of a thing going on. And he always has had this 'daughter' thing going on with the chicks of the Marvel Universe...
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  3. #78


    Yes Wolvie has had a couple young girls around him. Jubilee. Kitty and X-23. But he has never shown any sexual interest in them. Or any younger girl.
    Richard Vasseur

  4. #79


    Well I think it'd be a little bit disturbing if he took a sexual interest in X-23. He sure loves himself but... anyways, there might not have been any explicit past references to a relationship between Wolvie and his younger female wards, but for one that is because he has always been occupied with other things, and plus, look at Storm and Black Panther. Left field.
    The ability to defy death can be achieved...
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  5. #80


    Quote Originally Posted by Shaman Of The Whills
    and plus, look at Storm and Black Panther. Left field.
    Not completely, take a look at Earth X


  6. #81


    Well there's Jubilee, most Japanese women, tall redheads, maybe Heather Hudson is Mac is dead again. This is just too silly. Why am I writing this?
    Keep your stick on the ice.

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  7. #82


    Not completely, take a look at Earth X
    Ah, a valid point indeed. Totally forgot about that. Good reminder.
    The ability to defy death can be achieved...
    It is a state acquired through compassion not greed...

  8. #83


    Yes I remember them in Earth X. I think BP and Storm would make a lovely couple. I have the latest issue of BP here. I'll have to read it and see if they do get married?
    Richard Vasseur

  9. #84


    Personally I haven't liked Black Panther in a long time, since I was about 5 or 6, but then again I'm also not a fan of Storm either. My only real complaint about this is that I've already started getting from my friends "Right, so the two black people of the Marvel Universe just have to get together..." and other such lines... personally I just don't sense much chemistry between them, but then again, as I won't be buying the series or really paying attention to it, I guess the target audience of their relationship is not me, and therefore I have absolutely no real room to talk.
    The ability to defy death can be achieved...
    It is a state acquired through compassion not greed...

  10. #85


    The part I like best about Black Panther now is I get to see an old favorite of mine in action again. Brother Voodoo! I always loved his character. Maybe because he was so different. I know BP is featuring all the black super-heroes but this guy just sticks out. I know a lot of people don't think much of him and he has been made fun of. But I like the underdog. I would love to see him get a limited series.
    Richard Vasseur

  11. #86
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    Storm and the Black Panther have a long history in the MU.

    And, Logan's -always- gone for redheads; Rose, then Heather, and Jean (there was somebody else in there, too, but I don't know her. I just remember a quiz in Marvel Age on 'Which redhead did Logan fall in love with first? There were at least three multiple choice answers, and Heather was correct; this was before Rose existed, of course.)

    - Le Messor
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  12. #87


    I'd like to see Silver Fox come back.
    So did everyone see the poor showing from Alpha Flight in the New Avengers?
    Richard Vasseur

  13. #88
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    Quote Originally Posted by Richv1
    So did everyone see the poor showing from Alpha Flight in the New Avengers?
    Nope. Nobody did.
    That's one of the things I hate about it.

    - Le Messor
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  14. #89


    Basicly they showed up and got their asses handed to them. Now the New Avengers are going to take down the guy that beat Alpha Flight.
    Richard Vasseur

  15. #90
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Yep. I read the issue. I collect New Avengers.

    (So, why did I write what I wrote?)

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