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Thread: Who wants to do comic colours?

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  1. #1

    Default Who wants to do comic colours?

    Well, after an unending bout of excuses from a fellow who was supposed to be doing some practice/portfolio work with me in generating an AF fanfic comic, it's become obvious that he's simply never going to deliver. Part of the delay is from my end: in taking on illustration projects and working up a couple comic series proposals with a buddy of mine, I wasn't sure if I wanted to continue with this route.

    But here it is: I love the flight, my story-boarding skills have atrophied, and I need to get back in the saddle. I remembered that there was someone on the AF fan list (please accept my apologies -- I can never remember who it was) that wanted to get into colouring work.

    So if anybody wants to get into the colouring schtick and get some practice, I'm only too happy to provide some black and white art for you to practice with... presuming that you're still interested, that is. I'm perfectly willing to offer tips and critique as well: I'm not stranger to colour work, but practicing my painting isn't what I'm looking for out of this.

    So if you're looking to strive for professional quality, I'm open to co-generating a portfolio.

  2. #2


    I would have once jumped on this chance, as I loved the Alpha Art I've seen you do in the past, and I enjoy colouring, now with starting a business, building my house/gallery myself, and maintaining, I just don't have the time to make a commitment to such a thing. I'm sure if you tossed a few of your images up into the photo Album, I'd take a shot at colouring them for fun some time on a rainy day

    Any art you want included in the character galleries on, love to have 'em


  3. #3


    Hi Ed, I was wondering what happened to you? I haven't seen you around the yahoo AF message boards for awhile.

    Is the colorist that you need for your Ultimate Alpha Flight online comic book?

    Glad to have you back again.


  4. #4


    Ben: I know how busy things can get with multiple projects on the plate. Best of luck on the house/gallery construction! If you ever feel like taking a shot at the images, just drop me a line -- I'll send you high-res 300 dpi images. Much better for colouring.

    Mike: Glad to be back. I've been lurking on the Alpha list, and completely forgot that this place existed. My old postcount is gone, so I'm starting over as a noob.

    Yeah, that's the project. I've got scripts written, the first few pages illustrated, and some more roughed out in thumbnail -- but the colourist bailed months ago. I got caught up in some other projects, and J and I are waiting for word from Image about a project we were discussing, and I let this drop.

    But it's something I really want to tackle... even if it's only to get out 8 pages or so.

  5. #5


    If I had the comp colouring down pat, I'd have a field day offering. As is I'll stick to just writing babble. =)
    Hell was full, so I came back.

  6. #6


    Well, I've got some possible takers from another board. Let's keep our fingers crossed.

  7. #7


    damn ~!!

    That'll teach me to not look in the cupboard for a while.
    I'd have jumped at this chance.
    Actually I still will. If ya care to send the B&Ws to me.

  8. #8


    That'll teach me too LOL!

    I'm game if there's a few black and whites around!

    Hee hee hee!

  9. #9


    I can certainly make some lineart available, but Tom and I are really gelling as a team -- I put a sample of his work up in another thread (though for the life of me I can' remember which one, now).

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Northcott
    I can certainly make some lineart available, but Tom and I are really gelling as a team -- I put a sample of his work up in another thread (though for the life of me I can' remember which one, now).

    I know where!

    I don't have the time for coloring but if you need help with french and anything Quebecois, you can ask me.

  11. #11


    Sylvie! Glad to see you around. I'll certainly take you up on that offer if/when I get to the point where the twins appear. I want to make sure I get the translations right, and my French is terrible.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Northcott
    my French is terrible.
    Heh, betcha it's better than mine! Just ask our esteemed Mme. Valois!
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  13. #13


    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    Quote Originally Posted by Northcott
    my French is terrible.
    Heh, betcha it's better than mine! Just ask our esteemed Mme. Valois!
    Allan it's true your french suck, but at least you try and at this rate you should be bilingual by the end of your life, if it's not cut prematurely You sometimes even get some stuff right like here you wrote Mme, which mean madame, which is very good. You remember that officially in Québec mademoiselle do not exist anymore and that I like better to be called madame than mademoiselle. You just forgot there is no dot at the end of Mme because of the stupid french orthographe that most people can't remember correctly because it's stupid :P (ok, there a simple answer but it seems my english do not want to translate that)

    And don't worry Ed, I won't make a contest of who is the worst that french.

  14. #14


    Hell, Allan just proved he's ahead of me -- I didn't even know that Mademoiselle was out of fashion!! Thank God. My tongue tripped over it every time anyway.

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Northcott
    Hell, Allan just proved he's ahead of me -- I didn't even know that Mademoiselle was out of fashion!! Thank God. My tongue tripped over it every time anyway.
    Heh, the only reason I'm as ahead as I am is because I speak to Sylvie on a semi-regular basis. Otherwise, I'd be about as bilingual as a potato....

    Actually come to think of it, I am semi-bilingual; being half-Newfie, I DO speak two languages fluently - English and profanity
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

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