okay, since this is the most alpha-tastic corner of the internet i thought this is a good place to ask some questions. since i know the nerdiest flight peeps are here

1. where/when did the twins learn to speak english?

when logan meets aurora in AF 9 (which is 2-3 years before AF v1 1 i am assuming?) she can speak english. okay she learned it at the nunnery?
in AF 1 it says that northstar only speaks french. this stays in effect until roughly issue 24 give or take, with there being a few incidents where he doesn't speak english and it is problematic (issue 18 comes to mind), so was it just dropped, or is it supposed to be inferred he learned some english while in beta flight/ alpha flight but is a prat about speaking?

2. is walt's son ever brought up in any alpha flight after issue 10? i have alot of of both volumes but not all. just curious. unfortunately at the moment i don't have the time/money to get the remainders to find out for myself. or the high pain threshold.

3. does anyone ever say much about poor roger bochs after his untimely demise in v1 49? poor dude got killed and like that was that.

4. okay less classic, more continuity based- where did all this mac and heather have a baby crap come from? i saw at the end of AF v2 20 heather and puck where going to go out, so when did that get dropped and insta nuclear family come from?

thanks in advance for the insight.