In the past, I've been introduced to some great books on the recommendation of others. However, for some reason, I've never really been one to do the recommending. I'd like to change that right now.

Samurai: Heaven and Earth is a 5-issue limited series created by Ron Marz, Luke Ross & Jason Keith, and published by Dark Horse.

The story begins in fuedal Japan and, as the series progresses, will travel through China and across Europe. This is a vast departure from many of the comics being released these days and I could not offer a greater endorsement.

Issue #1 came out in December (reorders are still available), while the second will ship this week (Jan. 19th). The following links are to some preview pages which will - literally - take your breath away:

Four-page Series Prelude

Issue #1 Preview

Issue #2 Preview

Additional pages to Issue #2

Thanks for listening.
