Gotta disagree that the Box armour weakened Madison, sure his power was limited by it but he wasn't weakened. Compare Madison sans Box and Madison with Box:

Without: Can be shot stabbed, punched out... in other words: vulnerable to just about any physical attack.

With: Is about as tough as Sasquatch, capable of being hit with just about anything and not be killed.

Without: Average strength for a man of his age, maybe a little above from all the manual labour he's done.

With: Somewhere in the range of Sasquatch, capable of becoming stronger by increasing the size/mass of the robot.

Without: Can shape any metal/glass/plastic into anything he can conceive given the proper amount of material is present.

With: Can shape the armour into anything he can conceive but may need to add material to increase the armours mass.

Without: Can use his power to rip apart items and enemies made of metal.

With: Can use his greatly increased strength to rip apart items and enemies, period.

I was never a big fan of Madison Jefferies as BOX...I didn't like the "powerfullness" and limitless abilities of that incarnation.
I did. For a change, AF had a character with immense power who knew how to use it effectively. The X-men had Jean Grey, Professor X and Storm; the Avengers had so many I can't name them all, so why can't AF have a suped-up Box?