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Thread: Why care about Alpha Flight?

  1. #1

    Default Why care about Alpha Flight?

    Why do you think people should care about Alpha Flight and follow its history? I want to hear what your opinions on why people should care about Alpha Flight for all the people who know nothing about them or do, but no care for them.

  2. #2


    Because of Ghost Girl, because of Feedback, Flex, the fact that they are heroes and not X-Men, because they are a fun bunch, because of Zuzha and Major Mapleleaf, because there are so many stories to tell yet, because I say so, because my kids like it, because I like it, because of Windshear, Puck, and Sasquatch, Shaman, because they are about a team that tries to do right, not just win, because they're not Avengers, because they can defeat Apocalypse once and for all when the time comes, because they have no ties to Mr. Sinister, because I haven't made a spelling mistake for once, because they beat Sentinels and the Dreamqueen and the Master all in the same year, because they try even when trying isn't what they want to do, because they're Canadian, because they even gave Persuasion a fair shake, because of Department H (which isn't SHIELD), because Armageddon (OK is that spelled right?) by Prism would be an awesome song to open an Alpha Flight movie, because Ghost Girl deserves the same chance every good character does!
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  3. #3


    I think the main reason these characters are and will remain cool is that they are extremely diverse. From visuals to personalities they are all distinct. They form an amazing disfunctional family that is unmatched in comics. Plus there is a wealth of stories out there to be told. Untapped potential is off the charts. And, the way they've been mistreated in the past everyone looks at them as an underdog. And let's face it everyone loves an underdog!!

  4. #4


    Great work so far; but still would like to hear from others.

    EDIT: Mokole good post, but most people who know nothing of Alpha Flight won't know such characters as Puck, Major Mapleleaf and so on. Now I have two questions for you

    1. What issue is when they battled the Sentinels, I have been looking all over and how many were there? I havn't picked up that issue yet; I'm trying to find the old issues in trades
    2. How could they beat Apocalypse "once and for all when the time comes"? That intriques me that you said that

  5. #5


    People shouldn't.... unless they want to.

    Diff'rent strokes et al.

  6. #6


    Quote Originally Posted by King_Mungi

    1. What issue is when they battled the Sentinels, I have been looking all over and how many were there? I haven't picked up that issue yet; I'm trying to find the old issues in trades
    2. How could they beat Apocalypse "once and for all when the time comes"? That intriques me that you said that
    AF #43 I think, Box Jeffries defeats the Sentinels (as if he'd need help )

    My Apocalypse idea goes like this: SHIELD and the X-Men know that to stop Apocalypse forever they have to destroy all his technology, his safe houses et al too. But the X-Men are afraid of losing access to that alien tech and SHIELD always thinks 'a bird in the hand...'. So one day AF takes matters into their own hands (they have the perspective to see the big picture), destroys all of Apocalypse's tech, then take out any remnant of his essence (hey, bye-bye Cyclops ).
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Because of the intriguing set-up and unique style that Byrne had, of telling individual stories rather than the whole team every issue.

    Because, for us Farners, it's refreshing to not hear 'The USA is the greatest nation on Earth' every single issue, or have their flag thrown in our faces all the time.

    Because it's really, really good.

    Because of the mystical and character-driven stories.

    Because the characters--the originals, who've had time--are well-developed, fully rounded individuals, each with their own little quirks.

    Nemesis! Nemesis! (He screams as they drag him away...)

    - Le Messor
    "Because I said so, that's why."

  8. #8


    I think the messor told mostly what I wanted to say but he told it even better than I would have done.
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  9. #9
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
    Garry/Al-Fan's Avatar
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    Mar 2005
    The Washington DC area

    Default There's just something special about Alpha Flight

    The previous posts say it better than I can, especially Mokole and Le Messor.

    The more thought-out Alpha Flight stories are like pieces of a puzzle, a big part of which was filled in with the earliest stories and the first 28 issues of the AF series. Somehow, though, people who wanted to destroy the whole concept of the original team were allowed to publish stories that accomplished that goal, in the process losing fans that may never come back if it means accepting every element of AF's inconsistent/disdainful continuity. Some of TPTB didn't put a lot of time/thought in keeping AF continuity plausibly consistent, but I'll bet they banked on readers/fans knocking themselves out trying to make everything fit.

    When done right, AF is unique, quirky, heroic, and fun. That's when it is truly exceptional.

  10. #10


    Because Volume 1 #1-28 are EVERYTHING comics should be, when they were published, and still today.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  11. #11


    Why should anyone care about Alpha Flight? Because they're a unique and charismatic super-team, with great characters, interesting histories, and fascinating interdependencies.

    I agree that issues #1-28 of the first run were definitely all that a comic series should be. If Alpha Flight is ever to be revived again, (I hope!), Marvel should take note of these issues. I think Alpha Flight should be revived with the classic team, with a couple of interesting new recruits thrown in. Look at issue #1 of the first series, and you'll understand what I mean. John Byrne got the series line-up right the first time, IMO.

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