I just figured I'd bring up the game Freedom Force, considering I didn't see it anywhere on this forum. For those of you who don't know, Freedom Force is a blast of a game by Irrational (I think it came out in 2003), and the sequel Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich came out this year. It's a superhero based point and click type RPG thing, I'm not sure how to describe it, but its a really fun game. Best thing is, there are plenty of sites out there and extremely talented people creating custom things for this so you can upload all kinds of characters into the game. You can mix and match teams and such and battle it out with other people. I've managed to download most of the Alpha Flight characters into the game, not to mention that almost any other character from the Marvel or DC universe are available. You can custom their powers and animations and well... ITS A BLAST! Try it out if you haven't already, its for the PC.