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Thread: Byrne Draws AF Again...

  1. #46


    maybe i am misinterperting what he said, but it sounded to me he was more mad at a piece that was there, but seems to be gone now, of former commisioned pieces that were splied together (i believe it was the ff and the hulk with a little super skrull thrown in for good luck).

    i beleive he said something along the lines of his pieces being "hacked up" or something which that pic was, but is no longer there. i believe if he had a problem with the coloring piees the thread would be gone.

  2. #47


    Quote Originally Posted by varo
    maybe i am misinterperting what he said, but it sounded to me he was more mad at a piece that was there, but seems to be gone now, of former commisioned pieces that were splied together (i believe it was the ff and the hulk with a little super skrull thrown in for good luck).

    i beleive he said something along the lines of his pieces being "hacked up" or something which that pic was, but is no longer there. i believe if he had a problem with the coloring piees the thread would be gone.
    It's hard to put a positive spin on something along the lines of "I thought coloring was as offensive as it got". I'm guessing that Byrne really isn't fond of people tinkering with his work and probably wasn't in the best of moods over the hacked together piece, but the backhand against the other colorists in the thread really wasn't necessary. The situation seems to be that you can recolor all you like, just don't expect approval.


  3. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by suzene
    I don't really think that the price tag for his art is out of bounds either; I get the impression that the pieces he's doing are a lot larger than 8x11 portraits. That's a lot of time and a lot of ink, not to mention that the majority of commissioned works involve a lot of back-and-forth communication, are a general pain, and just don't look very appealing when you've got regular work in front of you.
    These recent commission pieces are always 20x30 or larger and take him about a day to complete while normally he could put down three comics pages. He's still doing Blood of the Demon and now The Atom and may or may not be done with a Justice League? project he's doing with Roger Stern. Considering these are one-off original drawings of pencils and inks, I don't think the price is as bad as some say. Just because he's not giving the works away, doesn't mean he's not worth the money. If that were the case, we wouldn't be seeing people commissioning these pieces at all! Those who whine, have you priced original art before? It's not cheap. Since these are "one of a kind" and not published pieces, the price will certainly be more.

    Who cares if he's blunt? Get over it! I've long liked that he'll speak his mind instead of playing BS games.

    What upset him was that someone took a new Hulk commission and parts of recent FF commissions and was cutting and pasting on his official website to create something new.

    They had even taken the time to "redraw" it with Illustrator so it seemed a higher quality than what Byrne posts.

    Basically he was angry this was taking place on his ground and certainly may have been mistaken for something of his work. Totally worth righteous anger. None of you, if your artistically inclined, would think any differently in the same position.

    I don't "get" the irritation over the coloring but since he allows a topic of coloring his BW artwork on his board so it can't bother him *that* much. As I said, he has mentioned these commissions are designed for BW, not color. If I hired him to do a piece, I'd still want someone talented to do a colorized version just to have.

  4. #49


    I actually spotted another recut of a Byrne original earlier today on Newsarama, actually a pretty nice Wolvie/Colossus fastball vs. Sent piece that he did, there was a little criticism about the accuracy of size versus distance, and someone photoshoped a new version... someone dared them to take that edit over to the Byrne boards... I'm certain they'd get a similar reaction...

    As much as I love to laugh at the guy's overreactions, and as ridiculous as his anger can get at times, I admit that I feel for him and do kinda get the whole tampering with art thing... the coloring I'm not so sure I'd get quite as upset about... but oh well.

    I'm hoping (and somewhat begging) my companions and parents to actually commission a piece for me for college graduation when it rolls around... that would be an awesome present. I'm really hoping they'll go for it. As for getting one done without their assistance... no dough to cough up... call me crazy, but if I could I'd probably pay that much.
    The ability to defy death can be achieved...
    It is a state acquired through compassion not greed...

  5. #50


    Quote Originally Posted by SasqFan
    He's still doing Blood of the Demon and now The Atom and may or may not be done with a Justice League? project he's doing with Roger Stern.
    Excuse me, I just have to go into the corner and drop dead from squee!


  6. #51


    I think times where his anger would be rightious and understandable is lost in the seas of venom and bile he routinely spouts, much like the boy who cried wolf.

    recent publications in M-Brane Science Fiction and the anthology Things We Are Not.
    Forthcoming stories in Breath and Shadow, Star Dreck anthology and The Aether Age: Helios.

    ~I woke up one morning finally seeing the world through a rose colored lense. It turned out to be a blood hemorrhage in my good eye.

  7. #52
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Alpha Waves has always been creator friendly, regardless of attitudes expressed elsewhere, we want this to remain a place that many creators feel comfortable visiting and posting on.
    And yet, I remember you not coming down like a ton of bricks when Somebody (who shall remain nameless, but who, for the sake of argument, I shall call 'me') was being really rude right in the face of John Calimee.

    - Le Messor
    Sidney Prescott: Stu, Stu, Stu... What's your motive? Billy has one, the police are on their way, what are you going to tell them?
    Stu: Peer pressure, I'm far too sensitive.
    - Scream

  8. #53


    I was away for a few days at that point, I dropped the ball! I'm only human!!!


  9. #54


    I'm only human!!!
    Well that ruins my secret theory.

    who shall remain nameless, but who, for the sake of argument, I shall call 'me'

    I think times where his anger would be rightious and understandable is lost in the seas of venom and bile he routinely spouts, much like the boy who cried wolf.
    Enh, he make get mad a very large portion of time... but I think we still kinda owe him (and just because he's Byrne) to still look at all of his claims to see which ones are valid. I think that the cutting up of people's works is more of a general issue of respecting all artists than looking over Mr. Byrne's work...
    The ability to defy death can be achieved...
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