What can you tell readers?

JQ: What I can tell readers is that they’re just going to have to take me at my word for now, there will not be an Alpha Flight and they’re going to love it!
So it won't be called Alpha Flight but there will be a book like Alpha Flight, just not that title or the team name will be different. Lends credence to "Alpha Flight's Last Battle" in NA #16-17.

In other words, Millar and Bendis are telling the truth that "Alpha Flight" will be relaunched right out of 'Civil War', but Quesada is telling the truth that it won't be called "Alpha Flight". So it will be a new team concept and a new team name, but what and how remains to be seen. "The Deserters"?

Well, at least we know something related to Alpha Flight is on the way, just not called Alpha Flight. Patience, maybe next week, next month, this summer we'll get the news. No later than September is my prediction and gut feeling.

OR when Ben is allowed to fill in the blanks, which I'm guessing will be August