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Thread: X-Men 3: The Last Stand

  1. #1
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Default X-Men 3: The Last Stand

    My fears have been realised.
    But not my worst fears.

    I was worried going in that my perceptions would be coloured by not having eaten since lunch. I guess the people who planned a 6:00pm figured a lot of people wouldn't have time for dinner; they put little boxes of food on the seats; two spring-rolls, a quiche, some Mentos and a bagel. Champagne waited for us in the armrests. (The under-18s had spring water, but they could've easily reached champagne if they wanted. The place was about half full, nobody would stop them.)
    All the food was mini-size; one eighth the size, all the taste. I could eat everything but the ham and cheese bagel (I'm vegetarian).

    They auctioned off an X3 poster, signed by the cast, and a pendant--the X logo, an X in a circle. I only know that's what the pendant looks like because the guy who bought it sat right in front of me; I thought it might be the Phoenix pendant I've seen.

    Stay through the closing credits!!!

    Anyway, on with the show.

    After this, I'll talk about a couple of plot points that're already so well known, I figure you already know, or don't care. If you do care, but don't know, be warned.

    It opened with the Marvel 'flipping comic pages' logo, personalised for this movie. There was a Phoenix rising bit in there; and I think when I play the pause game, I'll find I own a few of the original issues.

    Normally, with a comic book movie, they'll make two then change directors. The third isn't as good as the first two, and the fourth, we don't even talk about. (Comic book mini-series usually work the same way, only with a different writer).

    The pattern holds. This isn't a garish mess; it _feels_ like it belongs as the third X movie, and fits, but it's lost something. Also, I think they were trying to go a bit more Goth than the first two outings. It's subtle, with the floating rocks in mist scene, and the punk / Goth Morlocks, but it's there. (I'm calling them Morlocks; some of them were, in the comics, but not all, and they don't use that word in the movie).

    They crammed this full of characters--also a bad sign.

    It seems like the makers knew they were making the last, and they knew what the fans wanted to see, so they crammed it, almost all of it, into one last outing. Storm flew; but she needs to learn to fly horizontally.

    Yes, they gave us a lot of what we wanted to see; but there was a price. That price was character development. There were tons of character cameos, some of which I didn't know about before watching, but no consistent motivation--in fact, at times, the motivation was contradictory.

    They didn't betray the characters as much as, say, _The Two Towers_, but there was a little of that. Prof X, especially; he was in character for the comics, but not the earlier movies.

    Beast looked like a muppet. His face didn't, but his arms and legs did. He didn't look as cool on screen as he does in promotional stills.

    There were bits Joss fans would love; Dark Phoenix, when she wasn't skanky, looked like Dark Willow. The doctor who invented the cure was his invention; as was the mutants confusing 'you have a disease' with 'we are a disease'.

    There were lots of cool bits for readers of the comics; character cameos, moves, even scenes from the source.

    Angel flew. It looked kinda cool, but I couldn't help thinking _I've_ done a better winged-humanoid flying than that. (I took a course in computer animation). He barely flapped his wings, which wasn't always unrealistic (raptors glide a lot, but there were times he probably should've flapped to get the lift he got.) Sorry, one of my nits to pick.

    The movie held a thematic resonance pretty well.

    I enjoyed the movie. But, when X2 came out, I started saying X3 was my favourite movie--until they switched director. X2 is my favourite, and X3 hasn't changed that. But I hope they don't make a fourth. Not without Bryan Singer.

    Minor spoilers follow.

    It opens '20 years ago' with Jean meeting X and Magneto; then we switch to '10 years ago' with a young Warren cutting off his wings. His father bursts in, and seems very upset by this. We don't know why he hates his mutation; he has wings! He can fly! Who hasn't dreamed that?

    If he does hate it so much, he's rich, can't they just hire a surgeon to amputate?

    This is one of the bits of contradictory unmotivations I spoke of. In the present, his wings have somehow grown back (never explained) and now Warren wants them, and his father doesn't. Again, Warren's power is one that doesn't need a cure beyond amputation. (The same thing happened in the cartoon, btw).

    It then moves to 'the not too distant future'; and the _Days of Future Past_ storyline, looking like something from _The Terminator_. Way cool. Yes, even a Sentinel, which looks cool, because we don't see it. You heard me.

    X-Men 1 made me feel what it might be like to have mutant powers. X2 promised a cool Jean Grey Dark Phoenix bit. X3 lost both things. We never see the Phoenix Effect. And, they screwed up her awakening. Instead of the cool "Hear me, X-Men, no longer am I the woman you once knew. I am fire! I am life incarnate! Now and forever, I am Phoenix!" from the comics, she just appears on the waters edge. And then does something completely unmotivated.

    Watch it, but not too often.

  2. #2


    I haven't seen the movie yet, so all of this is based on pictures, commercials and pre-conceived notions...

    I saw a pic of the "Callisto" character, she looks totally differant , I've heard Leech is in it, but I haven't seen a picture of him yet.

    I think Ben Foster looks great as Angel, I don't know why, maybe it's that bleached white hair...That's not his natural color He just looks like Warren to me... Cutting off his own wings? Maybe he was suffering from that cutting obssession so many kids have, cutting to make themselves feel better, using physical pain to block out mental suffering...It's really sad when you think about it.

    I kind of liked the look of Beast, it seems like Kelsey Grammer (How do you spell that?) would be a great choice...
    "I can't believe this. I actually have a crush on a hologram! I don't know whether I should talk to a psychologist or an electrician!" Kyle, referring to Shard

  3. #3


    Going to see it tonight not because I want to but because she wants to! Yeah I'm as shocked as anyone. I was going to wait for the DVD with this one but what the hell she gets what wants.

  4. #4
    The Old Fan Alpha Flight
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    Well, I liked it. It was entertaining, fast-paced, and not boring! Sure, it had some gaps, but most of the ones I have I didn't have until after I had left the theater.

    (1) Magneto rips out a huge chunk of the Golden Gate bridge (not to mention slamming it down on the island), and all he gets at the end is a chess game by himself? That's weird.

    (2) Didn't miss Nightcrawler, though afterwards I wondered where he was during all this. Kelsey Grammar did a very decent job as Beast, intellectual and agile, yet kind of awkward standing up straight.

    (3) Would've preferred Mystique to remain blonde, but whatever.

    (4) Would've like to see the X-Men accept Warren on their flight to San Francisco.

    I thought the three films tie together rather well, I like stories to have a beginning middle and end and all three of these do, and the X-Men seemed out-numbered and overmatched at first but their control of their powers and quick-thinking proved the crucial advantage in most cases.

    Movie ending makes better sense, I really don't want to go back there.

    I hope they'll make another X-Men movie and fill in a few of the gaps.
    Once upon a time, they exploded from the pages of The X-Men. For a moment, they were "Canada's answer to The Avengers."

    They were ALPHA FLIGHT....

    ...once upon a time.

  5. #5


    [quote="Garry/Al-Fan"]Well, I liked it. It was entertaining, fast-paced, and not boring! Sure, it had some gaps, but most of the ones I have I didn't have until after I had left the theater.

    (2) Didn't miss Nightcrawler, though afterwards I wondered where he was during all this. Kelsey Grammar did a very decent job as Beast, intellectual and agile, yet kind of awkward standing up straight.

    (4) Would've like to see the X-Men accept Warren on their flight to San Francisco.


    I also enjoyed the movie! I don't think any comic fan could ever truly be happy with every detail of a comic movie, but the action keeps coming and the effects were pretty good. Nightcrawler was definitely missing for me. and Beast while intellectual was missing his verbose vernacular. His action scenes though definitely captured his ability. point 4) brings up an excellent point....How the hell did Angel fly from Massachusetts to San Fran and arrive only minutes behind the Blackbird? He can't fly that fast can he? There were a couple moments I loved. As mentioned the Magneto bridge slam was spectacular, though quite unecessary. But my favorite moment was when Bobby Drake assumes his ice form. Really drives home the purpose of the School for Gifted Youngsters and the advantage they gain by training with their powers. Plus my kids loved it! That to me more than anything tells the story of whether it was a good movie.

  6. #6


    I didn't find it super fantastic, but enjoyed it non the less. I think the best thing I can say about it is that it humanised the characters a bit more. I re-read the 'House of M' TPB straight after watching this and the characters seemed just a little bit more real, instead of drawings on the page.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    For those who think the change of director wasn't responsible for X3:

    "Bryan Singer had left to do SUPERMAN and Bryan took his writers with him to work on SUPERMAN."

    (The quote is from one of X3's actual writers.)

    - Le Messor
    "A belief is not true [just] because it is useful."
    - Henri Frederic Amiel

  8. #8


    No Toad?
    He was the only one I liked in X-Men I....
    I looked up Ray Park's filmogrophy at the IMD, he's a very busy man, he's got about five movies coming down the track...Too bad he wasn't able to fight Nightcrawler in II, I would have paid to see that...But only if he won... , and of course, the "heroes" ALWAYS have to win
    "I can't believe this. I actually have a crush on a hologram! I don't know whether I should talk to a psychologist or an electrician!" Kyle, referring to Shard

  9. #9


    Technically, this involves X-Men II, but it just bugged me and I couldn't find a proper thread. I hate how they screwed with Lady Deathstrike. I was just looking for fanart and about 90% of it portrayed her as a woman with metal fingernails in black leather...
    I bet most people think that she's like that in the comics. She's not, she's a cyborg (Or was, I don't know if there's anything organic left now...)

    And they could have at least gotten a Japanese actress to play Yuriko...
    I guess Hollywood still thinks "they all look alike..." It's not the performance though, it's the principle of the thing...

    Sorry for ranting...

    And yes, I'm still alive at the moment.
    "I can't believe this. I actually have a crush on a hologram! I don't know whether I should talk to a psychologist or an electrician!" Kyle, referring to Shard

  10. #10
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by darc_light
    I hate how they screwed with Lady Deathstrike.
    I put her and Toad as two characters we have yet to see on screen. Her, largely for the reasons you outlined.

    Toad (in X1) had the powers of Spider-Man.

    Glad you're still alive. I'd hate to think I was emailing a zombie again.

    - Le Messor
    "Cool. Crossbow. Check out these babies. Goodbye stakes, hello flying fatality."
    - Buffy

  11. #11


    "I can't believe this. I actually have a crush on a hologram! I don't know whether I should talk to a psychologist or an electrician!" Kyle, referring to Shard

  12. #12
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I was also annoyed that they got her eye colour so wrong, until I figured out that was a side-effect of Jason's power.

    And, hey, Lady Deathstrike first showed up as Lady Deathstrike in Alpha Flight! If we'd seen her, she could arguably be the closest we've had to an on-screen Alpha character.

    - Le Messor
    "Belief in untrue things is immoral."
    - Mark T. Shirey

  13. #13


    Me and the wife found it pretty boring. Bad plot, not very good acting, nothing to redeem it for us.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  14. #14


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    I was also annoyed that they got her eye colour so wrong, until I figured out that was a side-effect of Jason's power.

    And, hey, Lady Deathstrike first showed up as Lady Deathstrike in Alpha Flight! If we'd seen her, she could arguably be the closest we've had to an on-screen Alpha character.
    Hmmmm...Good point, Mik....Wouldn't Wolverine also sort of count as an AF character? We did see several AF and AF-related names on screen in X2, though.

    As for X3...I flip-flop on it....It had parts that I thought were great (Performances by Grammer as Beast, Stewart as Xavier and McKellan as Magneto were great IMHO) and parts that I really disliked (Angel and Colossus with such small, almost non-existant roles...Phoenix's standing around most of the film...Lame!).

    It needed a lot of improvement, but I didn't hate it.


  15. #15
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    As for X3...I flip-flop on it....It had parts that I thought were great (Performances by Grammer as Beast, Stewart as Xavier and McKellan as Magneto were great IMHO) and parts that I really disliked (Angel and Colossus with such small, almost non-existant roles...
    Yeah, but they did a fastball special!

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