Second Flight

Part V: Would That All We Know Remain Unchanged

The six teammates were disoriented for a moment–all were feeling as if they
had been woken suddenly after sleeping hard.
"That's the last time I go voluntarily snooping through the wardrobe," Box
Kodiak, who sat indian-style looking at the surrounding landscape, grunted
in agreement. He squinted to see if what he thought he saw in the distance
was actually what he thought. "Looks like a castle by the sea over there,"
Kodiak said, pointing behind Box.
The six looked in that direction, between two hills, at a turret which flew a
red flag. Behind the turret, the ocean could be seen by all–but only heard by
Box, thanks to his in-built sensors.
"O.K. first things first," said Ramsay, the team's leader, "is everyone all
He looked at the team to ascertain their current physical and mental state.
Each member nodded that he or she was all right.
"No doubt we are going to that castle, but first I want to know about where
we are before we go there," said Ramsay. "I want Solstice airborne with
Wildheart investigating the area around the castle to gimme an idea of what
we are dealing with. Box, take Kodiak. You two go the opposite way–let me
know if there is civilization there. Rich–you go left, and I will go right.
We will meet back here in a half hour. Absorb all you can like you're
cramming for an Alpha Flight history exam."
At this they all laughed, synchronized their watches, and went their separate

Ramsay loved life. As GV2, Canada's premiere superhero, he was able to
dabble in a life that most people his age only dream of. While most were off
at college, he was saving his country.
He had completed one semester at the university near the headquarters of
Department H in Ontario, but gave up school after one semester. He couldn't
be a normal college kid when he was constantly drilling or saving the world.
So, sadly he had packed up his belongings, bid farewell to his roommate, Chad,
and moved back into his old room that he shared with two of his brothers.
And now, soaring above the landscape of this strangely familiar terrain he
felt his butterflies melt away. He was always nervous when he thought about
giving commands and being responsible for the lives of his team, but when it
came down to it, he could do it–and do it very well.
His suit told him that the temperature was a balmy one. He couldn't feel the
breeze as he was protected from it by his suit's shield. Right now though, if
not for this mission, he would like to land, shed all his clothes and lay in
the sun.
During his flight, he had seen several sheep and a cow or two, but quite
frankly, aside from the fences that kept those animals in and the roads around
the fences, he hadn't seen any signs of civilization.
He veered toward the ocean that lay maybe a kilometer off to his side and
began to descend. A minute later, he set foot on the pebble beach that
separated the lush green fields from the sea.
He lowered his shield. The sun felt good on his face and arms. It was
warmer than he imagined it would be, and the gentle breeze had stopped
For some reason, he felt exhausted. It was taking all he had to keep his
eyes open. The point came when they screamed to be shut. He lay on the warm
rocks, feeling them jab into his neck, back and butt–but in a soothing way.
Within seconds, he was asleep.

Box was going way too fast for Kodiak's tastes. The two had departed seconds
before and now Kodiak couldn't even see where the two had departed from.
"Yer sure you can find our way back, Boxxie?"
"Ja. Built in tracking system."
"Yer sure you ain't goin' too fast, Boxxie?"
"Oh, you are no fun to travel with. If you are feeling sick, there are air
sick bags back in your front compartment, you wussy."
Kodiak was about to say something, then stopped. Something had caught his
eye up ahead. He motioned to Box who had seen it, too. The metal man and his
passenger descended to the green fields below.
Kodiak had the urge to kiss the ground when he felt the lush grass below his
feet. Flying was not something he did to relax when the stress built up. If
he aspired to higher blood pressure, then yes, he might consider doing it as a
hobby, but until then...
Kodiak moved (gracefully for his size) across the grass until he came to what
it was the two had spotted from the air.
It was a woman–a woman both recognized as Director H.
She looked a little more older than the two were used to, but considering the
stress she was under all the time, it was no wonder. As Kodiak approached,
she cringed back in fear.
"Director H, ma'am–it's Abe," said Kodiak.
She looked at him for a minute in fear then a hint of recognition appeared in
her eyes.
"Yes, I am sorry. I am really disoriented," she replied. If it were
possible, Box would have felt a shiver run down his spine watching their
conversation. He felt something was wrong and it wasn't her lack of

Solstice and Wildheart had landed just outside of the village only several
minutes before. In the air, Solstice was in charge, but once on the ground
and no longer required to be dependent, Wildheart had taken charge. Her
ability to smell and track were the perfect attributes needed to go exploring
without anyone noticing.
The two had entered the village and made their way to the church in its
center without encountering a single soul. The town appeared to be deserted.
Solstice walked a little too closely behind her comrade and occasionally
reached out to clutch her arm for reassurance. Usually, Sabra wasn't too keen
on being touched, but she understood her friend's fear so she permitted it.
There was something not right about this place.
The two rested by a well and looked at the town they were in. The buildings
were all of stone and two-storied. The great church behind them was the
exception. It was of glass and rose to almost cathedral-like heights.
Suddenly, from its bell tower, came the sound of a bell ringing.
The two woman jumped in surprise and looked at each other. They stood up and
watched as people by the dozens poured out of the buildings. Hundreds it
seems poured out of the church alone.
They all surrounded the two Alphans and one stepped forth to address the two.
"Are you the daemon servants of the queen?" she asked.
"The queen?" asked Solstice.
"The Dreamqueen," whispered Wildheart.
The village spokeswoman ignored the twosome's words and grabbed Solstice's
"If you are confused, you obviously are not her servants. We have an
unforeseen amount of time to be out to do our business until we must get back
under shelter. She doesn't come all the time, but when she does, whomever she
can get her hands on becomes her newest plaything."
"What are you talking about?" Wildheart asked, agitation sounding through in
her voice.
"The Queen–she gives us only a short amount of time to conduct our business
and then she returns to roam the village looking for playthings to satisfy her
devilish whims. She refuses to come indoors, so moves about the village like
a ghost for most of the day. She wails like a siren to frighten us.
Sometimes she comes, sometimes she doesn't. We can't take our chances. We
have to hide when be bells rings."
"She is only one woman–can't you stand up to her?" Solstice asked.
A hush fell over the crowd.
The spokeswoman stepped back as if struck by a fist.
"Think not such things. Such thoughts will incite her wrath. For such
thoughts we cannot even allow you to remain with us. We cannot offer you
Just then the bells began ringing.
The crowd spread and disappeared inside again.
"She has cut our time short," the spokeswoman said. "She knows of you and is
coming. Find a place to hide, but not with us. May She have mercy on you."
With that, Wildheart and Solstice were alone again.

Whitehawk soared above the rolling forests toward the ruins he had just
spotted. To him the countryside looked like that straight out of the classic
Braveheart film.
The ruins looked like those of a Russian Orthodox church. As he re-angled
his body, so his feet were below him instead of behind, he landed in the
graveyard in front of the church. He walked to one of the graves and observed
that the writing on the tombstone was Cyrillic. Turning, he noted that the
all of the grave markers were also written in the same script.
He jumped in surprise when he heard rustling behind him. He spun around and
almost–as Kodiak would say–had a heart attack.
Standing before him was his mother and the man who had delivered her–Michael
Narya held out her hands to him and he rushed to embrace her, completely
forgetting that she was a spirit. Strangely enough, for a spirit, her embrace
was very physical.
Though it had only been moments since Whitehawk had spoken to his mother on
the journey to the land of the Dreamqueen, he had to react on instinct and
reach out to her as a life spent without a mother had taught him to treasure
the chances he had with one.
Michael extended his hand after his mother let him go.
"Richard–it is nice to meet you. We were informed of your arrival."
Any normal person would have fainted at the sight of two dead people greeting
him, but as a supernatural creature himself, such a meeting wasn't as strange
to Whitehawk.
He pumped Michael's hand.
"I thought you were killed by a drunk driver."
Michael looked confused and began to reply, then stopped. Off in the
distance, the three could here the clanging of church bells.
The two who should have been dead looked at each other in panic.
"My son, I don't have time to explain. You must follow me, quickly."
Michael and Narya took to flight in the direction of the bells with Richard
hot on their trail.

GV2 woke up when the shadow stretched over him, blocking out his sun. He
opened his eyes to spy Northstar looking down at him.
Northstar crouched down and looked at Ramsay. There were sores covering
Northstar's face and he looked very frail. This wasn't the Northstar Ramsay
had seen just months before.
"Touch you...."
Ramsey didn't hear what Northstar said and reached up to return the embrace
of the man he had dubbed "Uncle" since he had been old enough to speak.
Suddenly Ramsay pulled back.
"What the hell are you doing?!!" asked a very frightened Ramsay.
"It's been so long since I have had another's touch–I just want to touch
Ramsay took to the air hoping to escape the man who had tried to assault him.
In his haste, he had forgotten that Northstar could fly.
In Northstar's frail state, he was still faster than Ramsay and
instantaneously was in the air with his arms locked around Ramsay. Ramsay
activated his shield as Northstar lunged forward to plant a kiss on his lips.
"Get off–what is wrong with you?!!"
Northstar leaned in to kiss him again.
GV2 suddenly found himself directly over the village just below the castle
that he had sent Wildheart and Solstice to investigate. He had "shunted" to
escape Northstar.
What could have come over Northstar to behave in such a way toward him.
Jean-Paul would never have done something like that. Maybe everyone was
acting weird in the Dreamqueen's realm.
The voice behind him made him turn with a start. It was Box.
Box waved at him and directed him to follow.
"Dude," said Box. "We found your mom. She is really freaked–looks a hell of
a lot older than normal. She told us we needed to come to the village for
sanctuary. Wildheart has got a story for you."

Soon, he was united with his own Alpha Flight, his mother and two dead
Alphans. He assumed that they were here in spirit as Whitehawk had said his
mother usually appeared to him from time to time.
Sabra told the story of the queen who would be appearing soon and how they
had been turned away by the villagers. She told of how her and Solstice had
been alone and wondering what to do when Whitehawk, Shamen and Snowbird had
appeared hoping for shelter. It was just by sheer luck that GV2 had showed up
when and where he did after his "shunt."
From above the crowd there was a shouting and Northstar descended with no
grace and landed with even less grace upon the cobblestones.
Ramsay took several steps away from Northstar. The then positioned himself
behind Kodiak.
Whitehawk spoke–the shock in her voice not hidden in the least: "Sir, why are
you in such a state? Your health has deteriorated since we saw you last."
"I have never seen you before," Jean-Paul replied.
"Look, I used to call you "uncle." Of course you know me," said Ramsay.
"I would rather you call me "daddy," replied Northstar.
"Stop this, Jean-Paul!" demanded Shamen. "Now, listen. Something has
happened that you all are obviously unaware of. I think your history is
different than ours."
Everyone shifted their attention from Jean-Paul to Michael.
"We have been in this realm for over twenty years. I was transporting us
back from a battle we had against Omega Flight in New York where Guardian was
killed when something happened and realities were shifted. We came here
instead of arriving at home. You obviously are from a reality where such an
event didn't occur and your Alpha Flight arrived safely in Canada."
Alpha Flight stood in stunned silence. Michael continued.
"We were caught unawares and arrived in the heat of a battle. Northstar's
sister was in a–shall we say–docile state and panicked. She fled directly
into the path of a swinging sword. She died instantly.
One of the armies diverted their attention to Sasquatch and he was murdered
outright. As for Puck, he disappeared."
"But what about Northstar or Marrina?" asked Solstice.
"Marrina didn't respond to our summons in the first place and did not go with
us to New York. As far as Northstar is concerned, I have never examined him,
but from what I can tell, the lesions on his face and delusional state he is
in are indicative of someone who might have full-blown AIDS. I knew of his
secret and can only guess that that is what has happened to him."
"Well, wouldn't I be dead then?" asked Northstar.
"Recall how Narya arrived in a state of decomposition–being moved from Canada
had sapped her of her youth and vigor–she was nothing more than an old woman
when we arrived here. She recovered her youth and some strength–though she is
fragile. I am thinking that though she is not in Canada, this land has
magicks that have brought her her health. Much the same way Northstar's
disease has slowed up considerably, though he is still dying–over two decades
after contracting HIV."
The new Alpha Flight stood staring at the old Alpha Flight. The two
generations had met, though not the way either would have thought they ever
"O.K." said GV2. Let's move on past our shock and get to the castle and find
the Dreamqueen before she comes looking for us here."
Suddenly, the air became cold and the wind began to pick up. The early balmy
weather was gone. Snow began to fall feverishly. The group looked around in
wonder at the season change. The accented voice from the heavens brought them
out of their sense of wonder.
"Greetings, friends. Welcome to my realm."
A pink bubble began to descend from the sky. It came to rest on the glass
steps which led up to the great glass doors that entered into the glass church
and with a "plip" transformed into a stunning, tall woman wearing an orange
pelt that hung from neck to ankle.
"What a movie moment," said the woman. "I do so love dramatic entrances."
Ramsay stepped toward her.
"Your majesty," he said, slightly dipping. "I am Guardian and this is Alpha
Flight. We come only in peace and ask you only for an audience with you, the
great Dreamqueen."
The tall woman's eyes sparkled and a grin spread across her lips. Then she
"My dear are gravely mistaken. I am currently working with the
Dreamqueen on a little project, but I am not her. You will get to meet her
soon enough though."
Alpha Flight looked at each other then back at the woman. She continued:
"You haven't guessed yet, have you?"
GV2 shook his head and shrugged his shoulders.
"You fell asleep believing you would enter the kingdom of the Dreamqueen.
She is too busy to deal with you...she is working on a little joint venture.
So you are here for my amusement.
And who am I, you ask yourselves? Well, my flesh may be dead, but my spirit
is very much alive. How else could I become Illyana the Great, Daemon Queen
of Limbo?"

To be continued...