How come whenever someone asks about the characters in Omega Flight, JQ and everyone else aways say they "can’t say too much about the upcoming Omega Flight series because it would give away specific points about the ending of Civil War."?

I can understand certain plots not being able to be mentioned, but about the characters? Saying if it's Elizabeth and/or Mac couldn't give anything away from Civil War. No one would say "Oh Mac IS alive! That means HE must come in and win war! I figured out the ending!". So it being Mac wouldn't have any real spoilers to the war. If it isn't Mac on the other hand...

If it's Cap next to him, that would give something away. If it's USAgent as we have come to expect, how could he really give something away? How much of a player will he be? If his story is going to be told in a one-shot book, I don't think he'll be a major player in the main books.

Whether it's any of the Spiderwomen really doesn't change the outcome of Civil War.

We've been told that's Beta Ray... though there's somethin not right about him. Could just be the artists representation. Even if it was, say the Thing (for example), he's already been stated as leaving the country, so no big difference in the outcome there. It's more then likely Bill.

So long story short, unless that's Steve Rogers next to Guardian(which I doubt), the only other character that could really give something away from the war is who's in the suit. If the Talisman woman is "the strongest link to Flight’s past", then I think that concludes Mac can't be in the suit.

If it's not Mac, he's gotta be Canadian or else the suit doesn't make sense. Any powerful Canucks in CW they don't want to give away where they'll end up? Really the only one would be Wolverine. And they aren't going to do that(besides, he's too tall in the promo :P ).

So in conclusion... I don't have the damndest of ideas.