Quick Intro: Hi, I'm Kumori. New User. Girl from...ok whatever....

I'm in favor of the X-23/Hellion relationship! X-23 has had a lot of crap happen to her. She needs a chance to redeem herself. And besides, Wolverine got a chance to fall in love so what difference does it make? She may be a killer but deep down, she isn't heartless. When Icarus died (;_ she made sure Dust and the rest of the team knew about it. She also hesitated when she said that he died because she was afraid of hurting Sooraya.

As for Anole, I agree. He's funny as heck. Santo (Rockslide) is pretty amusing as well. I personally think that all of the characters are good but the ones who just hang around doing nothing aren't really...useful.

I hope the QFM ends in a positive note. These kids need it.