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Thread: Omega Flight #1 solicit: Downgraded to 5-issue mini

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  1. #1


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Oeming: Yea man, Im very dissapointed. Its out of my hands.
    Lame lame LAME Marvel. Thanks for not even giving us a fighting chance. AGAIN!

  2. #2


    Oeming's going to make an annoucement on monday, but what the hell? why the hype and then nothing?

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Oeming's going to make an annoucement on monday, but what the hell? why the hype and then nothing?
    All will become more clear on Monday. BTW keep your eyes at home for the word from Oeming.


  4. #4


    Uhhhh...why does Heroes for Hire get an on-going and not Omega Flight? What angers me if this does sell well and they want to make an on-going it will be another 6 months before we get anything.

  5. #5


    This is as bad as the time when that super team -what was their name?- was killed off unfairly in an off panel battle.

    Its almost like Marvel enjoys alienating the same section of their fanbase again and again. Its like repeatedly kicking a bunny with tied up legs!!

  6. #6

  7. #7
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
    Le Messor's Avatar
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    Jun 2004
    Canberra, Australia


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    I have a theory, I'm gonna see what I can find out...if anything
    I have a theory... It could be bunnies. Or maybe midgets.

    So, just yesterday, I noticed I had, in my new standing order pile, 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, and 4 of 5... And they were three different series. What is it with Marvel nowdays and 5 issue minis? Why five?

    Ben is wise, Ben knows. He's calm. Perhaps the rest of us should be?

    Or perhaps we should panic. That can be fun, too.
    (That's me going into shock and running away at Northstar speed.)

    - Le Messor
    "There's nothing we can't face...
    except for bunnies."
    - The Musical Cast of Buffy

  8. #8


    Well that sucks.

    N, making it a 5 issue LIMITED won't increase sales. We're not talking about the limited edition production of only 5 2007 Mustangs. It's more like, "We have a great school, we have outstanding success, 65% of our students go to University, send your children here," then the School Board says, "The school closes in June." Think parents will send their kids to the school, or pull them out before it closes??

    I guess they didn't want us to forget the stench of NA #16 so this is how they treat their customers.

    Mr.'s Kolins and Oeming put all this work into it then get told, "BTW, we don't have room for Omega Flight suddenly, we're creating X:Men-Genosha revisited, with Chuck Austen writing."

    I DON'T BUY MARVEL. Last marvel comic I bought was Lobdell's AF. Since I've only boughten DC, mostly as gifts, not Marvel crap!!

    Marvel wants to lose 30000 clients??? Heroes for Hire gets play, not Flight???

    My pessimistic thought: the change they had to make was to introduce Mac Hudson as Guardian in issue #2, so that in issue #5 he and Talisman could go hard after Iron Man, Director of SHIELD, for his complicity in the murders of Alpha Flight. USAgent alerts the Thunderbolts, who send in Aurora, Box and Northstar. In a tremendous explosion all 5 are killed. Sasquatch joins the Thunderbolts as the new Venom for 2 issues then he's killed by Punisher.

    But if Ben says stay calm I'll not go around flaming Marvel. I hope Mr. Oeming has good news for all of us. Hopefully.

    So much bad news about Flight, then some good, now back to bad.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  9. #9


    I'll try and stay calm but............... (enter expletive here!)

    I spend alot of money for Marvel books, this may cause me to spend alot less.

    Crappy day of snow, crappy news!

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Ben
    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Oeming's going to make an annoucement on monday, but what the hell? why the hype and then nothing?
    All will become more clear on Monday. BTW keep your eyes at home for the word from Oeming.

    If it's just an explanation as to why he got shafted, count me out. I really need positive news. I'm not kidding, too many family deaths, sick child, sick wife, job closures, I could use good news.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  11. #11


    I'll buy it, of course, but I'm disappointed too. i was going to make this "my" team.

    If it's to guage interest, I don't think it's reliable. How many people would pull the old "I'll wait for the trade" line when they know it's only five issues anyway? Especially for a team that has such a checkered history.

    Ah well. Man, between Alpha and Ottawa football, I seem to dig getting kicked around. I need to find more fan-friendly hobbies. Maybe I'll watch more wrestling. At least that stuff's pre-determined.

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor

    I have a theory... It could be bunnies. Or maybe midgets.

    So, just yesterday, I noticed I had, in my new standing order pile, 1 of 5, 2 of 5, 3 of 5, and 4 of 5... And they were three different series. What is it with Marvel nowdays and 5 issue minis? Why five?
    I like the midgets theory. The reason everything in the marvel U is broken into 5, both minis and arcs is for the sake of the all-mighty TPB. But as for staying calm, panicking won't do any good. Regardless of the situation, more will be spelled out tomorrow.


  13. #13


    Yes, Oeming will be 10% possibly positive, 90% possibly negative, 0% neutral. I can't see, with his recent comment, how we can be positive that any more than 5 Flight comics will be sold. Kind of like Ford announcing the 2007 newly-designed Mustang, then at the Detroit motor show they announce that only 20 will be produced. Imagine the vitriol then.
    Keep your stick on the ice.

    Live it.

  14. #14


    Oh good god.

    Oh no.

    This... can't be happening

    This was going to be the comic that made me respect Marvel again. Yes, they killed off Icarus and yes House of M was absolutely ridiculous and yes, there is entirely too much hype on Wolver and X 23 and I'm well and truly sick of them and THEY DESTROYED ALPHA FLIGHT WITHOUT EVEN GIVING THEM THE HONOR OF SHOWING THEM PUTTING UP A FIGHT but this was going to be proof that they aren't all evil. I mean... awesome art. Awesome writer. A creative team who are FANS and who RESPECT Alpha Flight and...

    we get a mini series?

    I'm trying to be calm here.

    But dude. This blows. That's it, I'm writing an angry letter, and if Ben doesn't have some good news, I'll send it. My poor little mind can't take this anymore. It's like they've dangled a dog biscuit in front of our nose and then ripped in away and smacked us for being interested.
    I seriously want the Walter stuffed animal from AF #106. Seriously.


  15. #15


    Also... Am I the only one who thinks that Talisman looks like has abnormally large pecs instead of boobs? I'm not sure why, but they look incredibly... muscley for being boobs.

    On the other hand, I was on scans_daily, a fantastic lj community, and someone posted this cover. A person who obvious didn't know about Alpha Flight said, and I'm quoting this, 'As for Omega Flight, hmmm. If that half-naked shamany person is a woman, that costume is disgusting. But if it's a man, it's gusty and awesome in a campy way.'

    For some reason, I love that quote. Thank God for fangirls.
    I seriously want the Walter stuffed animal from AF #106. Seriously.


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