From the writer of the Guardian update:


You are correct - Kyle is individually blasted and the police are inspecting individual people in #8, but based on the cure being pheromone based, one is led to believe that the cure would ultimately be area/airborne (as well as having an individual blast possibility). I don't think it's feasible in any stretch of the imagination to think that any country could systematically check every single citizen of a country (or even just one province or one city) and offer an individual cure to each one. I can't see Van Lente or Pak even suggesting it - that's too far-fetched, even for comics. I think what we're seeing in the scene with the police are spot checks to confirm all is well.

I disagree that Heather left before the treatment could have affected her - the art on that page leads one to believe she *could* have been exposed to the cure. However, she still ran off. Is she under Unity influence? Is she not?

However - you have a good point about Wolverine spotting Heather's missing toe in #7, though.

Perhaps a better way we could have phrased that final sentence is something like:
casting doubt upon whether Vindicator’s actions were completely caused by the Unity Process;

Bottom line really is we won't know until her next appearance. Hopefully that will clear up if all her actions were Unity-based or if she had free will. Personally, I think it's more the latter.