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Thread: A movie about Magneto?

  1. #1

    Default A movie about Magneto?

    I don't know if you already knew or not, but I saw on the Internet Movie Data Base that they're currently making a movie called "Magneto" with Ian McKellen and Patrick Stuart so far:

    So that would be the next X-Men movie... I wonder if they do just like in the Star Wars serie, showing the past of Xavier and Magneto....

  2. #2


    Actually the next X-Men movie will be Wolverine out next year.

    Ken Watanabe plays the Silver Samurai!

  3. #3


    Oh really?! There will be a Wolverine movie?! WOW
    I hope that will be cool!!
    That's great that Ken Watanabe will be in it, he's been in many American movies lately, he's a great Japanese actor, I like him in the Last Samurai.

  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Yeah, but it looks like no Hudsons.

    The Magneto movie will, indeed, be a prequel.
    It'll have the same 'young' special effects as X3, to deage both McKellan and Stewart--which worked as well, I think, as Doc's rejuvination in Back To The Future 2!

    - Le Messor
    "Yes, but I'm back. Back from the future!"
    - Marty McFly

  5. #5


    Oh so there will have the rejuvenation effect (like when Xavier and Magneto met Jean Grey for the first time in X3?).?

    I thought that they would pick up so new young actors to play them... Let's hope the effect will be fine!

  6. #6


    They can de-age very well they can do jsut about anythign now a days lol.. I think a backstory on Magnito and Xavior will be realllly cool

    I'm still pumped about Watchmen.. so I cna't look at nay movies coming out after that because that is still what i'm excited about.. I can hardly get excited abotu anythign past 300

  7. #7


    I took me a while to notice that they rejuvenated Xavier and Magneto at the beginning of X3 when they go get Jean Grey.... I noticed it when I watched the movie with the comments and they told that used pictures of Patrick Stuart and Ian McKellen taken 20 years ago to make the effect. I was kind of surprised, besides that Ian Mckellen has less grey in his hair, I didn't really see the effect. Hope that will be more apparent in Magneto movie!!

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