Quote Originally Posted by Ben
Ok, fine. People are welcome to their opinions, I just don't understand something like this making people turn full circle on their opinions of the book's prospects. I think we should at the very least read issue #1 before condemning the series.

I understand that this news upset some people, but I feel pretty sure that Oeming has some interesting angles planned if he decided to use this character.

Well I've had some time to let this stuff sink in so........ I'll still read OF. Hopefully Oeming has an ace up his sleeve. And to be honest this team does still seem interesting to me. I've always liked the U.S. Agent and Spider-Woman, and BRB and Talisman are great.

And Ben you're right, mailman Mike didn't have control at the time. Having him on the team does have some interesting story possibilities. But having him wear Guardians suit, I'm not to keen on still. At this point only Mac or Heather should wear that suit. But will see. I await next month.