Quote Originally Posted by Tiberius Bane
Quote Originally Posted by SmurfInABlender
Well its obvious as to Why only sasquatch survived, its because while in his Sasquatch form Walter has quick healing, so where as the others would have died of wounds, sasquatch was healed from them.

The only one I'm sad about is puck, but then again he lived a long life.. the only 80 year old man still fighting lol..

Heather led the team for most of the time.. its time she was replaced sadly... but I honestly would have liked all to die but maybe her or puck and that person be in ICU for most of the series or in a coma.

Plus who knows, they made a big deal about Captain America being dead and yet in the Initiative Ms. Marvel tells Spider-woman that it was all a lie... so who knows... maybe this is all a lie?
I dont think Mail man Mike is going to be the leader. I think USAgent is.
Both choices are unappealing. It should be Talisman or Sasquatch only.