Ahhh, but I'm not saying that American heroes should not be serving on Omega Flight. All I'm saying is that Liz needs to chill. Crime is like one of those boxes with sticks poking out of all sides. You push one stick in here, another pops out over there. It's natural that criminals will gravitate to regions they feel they can more succesfully ply their trade. This is why some regions (of cities, states, countries and the world) are riddled with certain types of crime and others aren't. And cracking down in one area, always results in a migration to another more criminally viable area. In this case, the success of the American SRA coupled with the destruction of AF and the, ummm, "disappearance" of all our other Canadian heroes, made Canada a target for superpowered crime.

That's hardly the fault of I.M. or the U.S.A. And I don't think that it is very nice of Liz to frown on the U.S.'s success, or turn their friendly offer of assistence into something dirty. 'Specially considering what happened to Sasquatch at the hands of the Wrecking Crew.