Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
Of course it's Iron man's fault. Liz is just calling him on it. As she said...Canada has had it's own Registration Act for a while now, but the Canadian super heroes never turned on each other, nor did they kill each other because of it. It is Iron man's (and Reed Richards') fault that Giant-Man/Goliath (Bill Foster) is dead, He and Reed created the Thor clone that killed him. They've taken away the freedoms of any hero that opposes them....And it's definitely Tony's/the Registration Act's fault that villains are heading to Canada.

She's only telling it like it is, that Tony and the Pro-Reg "heroes" will do/have done anything to see their goals met and Tony doesn't care who gets hurt or killed in the process. The whole Civil War Pro-Reg mentality is that of a police state, taking away all the freedoms from her citizens and forcing them to conform...All the while stating it's for their own good.

As far as Stamford being the fault of the New Warriors...That is a load of hooey! The New Warriors did not kill the people of Stamford...Nitro did. The same thing could have happened if Iron Man, Ms. Marvel or even Spider-Man had tried to stop Nitro. Nitro's power is to explode and nobody around is safe. If you blame the New warriors for the deaths of the people of Stamford, then you might as well blame the original Captain Marvel for not stopping Nitro in the first place, all those years ago. Nitro has faced Mar-Vell, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Daredevil and even Iron Man himself...Are they all to blame for Stamford?

Hogwash. Fearmongering hogwash, that doesn't even begin to acknowledge points that run contrary to the stated beliefs... such as the granting of amnesty to hordes of anti-reg'ers following the final battle.

As for Nitro; what happened with him happened where it happened as a rsult of the NEGLIGENCE of the New Warriors. Just like if a cop engages a fleeing vechicle in a high speed pursuit through a residential area, and someone gets hit, it is as a result of the cops negligence. This is why they are TRAINED to break-off such pursuits, and why they are held responsible if they don't.

Arguements about how the New Warriors are not responsible for Stamford are one of the main reasons why I'm with the Pro-Reg'ers.

And Liz ain't telling it like it is. She fumbled the ball, her friend got hurt and she's looking for someone to blame. Someone who, conveniently enough, is not herself. She is being a complete hypocrit.