Canberra has long had a dearth of back issue stores. Oh, we have three comic shops; but one of them (Dee's) hasn't stocked back issues for years. Impact got sold a couple of years ago, then re-opened with no old stock; all its back issues are from after that time. (It was also a CD shop, and that's the part that got sold.) House of Heroes is only a couple of years old, and is in a similar sitch.

... Dee's is going to be opening up a new back issue shop soon. They'll have a lot of old stuff, some obscure. There's stuff in there I've been looking for.
It's not open to the public yet. It's not nearly ready; right now, they've hired some guy to sort out their Marvel back issues, and then they'll do DC.
Did I say 'some guy'? I meant 'me'.

It's gonna be soooo cool!

- Le Messor
"Even the truth is a lie with her."
- Basic Instinct 2