Quote Originally Posted by DaVeO
Quote Originally Posted by SephirothsKiller


So has anybody else read the book yet? What did you think? I for one thought it was horrible. None of the main main characters died as promised, and the ending, the defeat, all of it, ended up coming off like a piece of fanfiction...

I literally fell off my bed when I read that Malfoy's son's name was "Scorpius." Lily, Albus, James... And then for the not-named-after-someone-obvious characters we have Rose, and Victoire, and other such names. I really thought that someone named Mary Sue was going to show up and tap dance on the train at the last moment.
Did they NEED to die? Who the heck wants a depressing ending after seven books living with these characters, not me. Besides Harry did die, he had to to destroy the last Horocrux. I thought it was the best book in the series. And the Epilogue showed us what we needed to know. A) Harry had a family which he always wanted and B) The world was safe.
Oh, and C) Draco has horrible taste in names.
No way did this seem like a Fan Fiction, c'mon. No FF I ever read had so many different layers to it. So Jo thinks being a regular Dad is a happy ending for Harry! After all the hell he's been in, I think it's the perfect ending.
Harry didn't destroy the last Horcrux, Neville did. Harry hadn't destroyed one since the diary in "Chamber of Secrets", and that was the only one he took care of. Dumbledore destroyed the ring, Ron did the locket, Neville the snake, Voldemort killed Harry, the diadem was by Crabbe, and the cup by Hermoine. Sorry, had to be a bit picky there :^)