No it won't happen and here is why....The powers that be at Marvel right now (Joe Q are you listening?) just doesn't like AF. Its that simple. You have a mini that sold well beyond expectations, a rabid fan base and you had two top notch creators that were committed to the book and they still will not move forward on an ongoing.

Joe Q has ALWAYS stated his disdain for Alpha at every convention I've ever attended (NY & Baltimore for the last couple of years). When asked on panels in the past or in person (By myself) he always blows off the idea or right out mocks Alpha Flight. Omega Flight sold well, even reported to that effect in Wizard, and recieved excellent reviews (at least before changes were made forced upon the writer to make it a mini rather than on going). He refused to allow any involvement by Omega in WWH or any major crossover that could have even helped sales. Making OF an ongoing would be a no brainer if money was all they were concerned with.

Sorry, but no is probably the answer until a change in Management occurs. I hope he surprises me and proves me wrong because the book would sell like hot cakes. Far better than the futures of The New Warriors or The Initaiative I promise you.