Taken from Newsarama:

We asked Oeming what he thinks of fan reaction to the Omega Flight mini-series he wrote for Marvel with artist Scott Kolins, which just finished up -- something some fans were hoping wouldn't happen since it was originally solicited as an ongoing but switched to a mini.

"I'm really happy with it. The fact that the old-school fans seem to be really pleased with it, even the ones who were really complaining at first about the concept. We were able to turn them around on it," he said. "Pretty much everybody enjoyed it, but not everybody was happy with the ending because ... well, it was ending, you know? And it was written to be kind of an open ongoing thing, so we had to rearrange a lot of the stuff at the end. And I think people wanted it to either end as, 'OK, that's it, we're not doing anymore,' or they wanted it to say, 'We're definitely doing more Omega Flight.’"

Can the writer give those people any hope for more Omega Flight?

"No," he laughed. "Honestly, I have no idea. I do know they're doing a couple of other short stories with the Guardian character and Sasquatch -- in some other books. Omega Flight isn't dead; I just don't know if there's going to be another series."