Ok so OF is done, great job, Reber, Kolins, Oeming!

What's next for AF? I need a new thread that's not about OF.

Let's see:

1. Shaman bust about to be released.

2. The Twins appearing on an X-men roster, but we don't know exactly when.

3. Sasquatch doing something, according to Oeming but, we don't know exactly what.

4. Mike in the Guardian suit doing MCP stuff, possibly including other Alphans. He's not a member of Alpha Flight but maybe other AF members will show up?

5. Wild Child as the, uh, new Sabretoothy thingy, something like that. Did anyone pick up Wolverine: Origins #16 yet? Did it come out yet?

So we have some stuff going on meanwhile and I'm very excited, especially for items #1 and 2 above.

Did I miss any upcoming Alpha Flight news?
