I never gave Iron Man much thought prior to Civil War, but was one of the few that actually came to like him as a result of CW. I'm one of fewer still that came to dislike Cap, even though he was and remains one of my favourite superhero characters.

I'm not sure how Marvel has been portraying him since World War Hulk, but based on everything up to that point I thikn it's pretty clear that Stark is still a hero. And even more so cause with CW he stopped placing himself above humanity and placed himself within the loop of accountability that we are all subject to to various degrees.

In contrast, while I would never consider Cap to be a douche bag, he began to creep me out during CW. Whereas before his judgement was always spot on and would inspire, it all became kneejerk, over-emotional, seeing-nazis-around-every-corner type stuff, and made me think, "wow, this guy has LOST it, and is definitely NOT a person to be followed no matter where one stands in regards to the SRA".