Poll: Which Sasquatch looks better?

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  1. #16


    I'd have to go with the orange original...Though I do have a fondness for the white version too, but he'd blend a bit too much with the Wendigo (should he have to face him).


  2. #17


    Quote Originally Posted by cmdrkoenig67
    I'd have to go with the orange original...Though I do have a fondness for the white version too, but he'd blend a bit too much with the Wendigo (should he have to face him).

    I agree with you
    Quand l'appétit va, tout va!

  3. #18
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mystic
    Aesthetically, I honestly prefer the white sasquatch.
    I think I like the looks of the white one better, but I wouldn't like it so much without the orange one. I like it because it's a new version of something I already know. I'd probably like the orange one better if that was the rarer variant.
    (There's a great Dinosaur Comics bit about songs sung in different genres, but I'm not sure how to find that specific strip right now.)

    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    ...sans a missing tail...
    Sorry, Mungi, but the way you phrased that, Sasquatch has a tail ('sans' means 'minus', thus if he was 'minus' a missing tail, he'd have a tail...)
    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    I think if you can understand the point someone's trying to make, that's all that really counts
    Allan, But maybe he has a tail, it's just not a missing tail?
    After watching... (Drew Barrymore is a reporter, goes back to school to do an exposé), and seeing her come across as pompous for correcting a meaningless bit of grammar, I decided the same thing you did; except if:
    1) The bad grammar makes whatever somebody is trying to say unclear.
    2) It makes the new sentence funny.

    I put Allan's comment under 2).

    - Le Messor
    "... when I heard you playing Fleur-de-Lys..."
    "What? Oh, you mean FĂĽr Elise."
    - me, in real life (she confused me; not only did she get the name wrong, she had to change languages to do it!)

  4. #19
    Heather Hudson Fan First Flight

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    Quote Originally Posted by King Mungi
    Quote Originally Posted by HappyCanuck
    yeah, I know. I do apologise, Mungi. I was in a nitpicky mood when I wrote that. it wasn't meant to insult or imply anything.
    No harm done then
    Yeah, I apologize too for butting in. I was in an even nitpickier mood that night; no harm intended. We're all friends here. But while we're on the subject, please, anyone, feel free to point out anything questionable in my writing. I fancy myself a bit of a writer, so I honestly do appreciate when others chime in from time to time (I actually misspelled the word 'perhaps' for nearly a decade before someone was kind enough to point out my mistake)— I just also know that I used to piss a lot of people off by trying to correct their language mechanics and/or occasionally have a little snicker at their expense in both real life and discussion forums, because let's face it (as le Messor so eloquently phrased it): sometimes bad grammar's just plain funny...I think Happycanuck was both trying to be helpful and have a little snicker at the same time...again, I apologize for my slightly negative spin on it.

    On another note, though indeed most people just want to relax and say their peace in a discussion forum without fear of repercussion for lax mechanics, The Alphanex, as has been discussed elsewhere, is a different matter entirely. We should strive to maintain as accurate and grammatically sound a database as possible. I will be endeavoring over the next month or so to edit/proofread at least one entry a day; I hope some of you (particularly those keen on nitpickery) will join me in the effort. Pherhaps we'll knock it all out in a month or two and have it gleamin' like Wild Child's incisors on Fried Chicken Day at the Golden Corral.

    Live, love, laugh & be happy,
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  5. #20
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    On another note, though indeed most people just want to relax and say their peace in a discussion forum without fear of repercussion for lax mechanics,
    You made a mistake there.
    Quote Originally Posted by S. Michael Simms
    Okay, that one you did on purpose!

    As for Alphanex... I never managed to get editing rights. Dunno Y.

    (I don't think I have the time now, neither.)

    - LM
    "Fain would I climb, yet fear I to fall."

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor
    As for Alphanex... I never managed to get editing rights. Dunno Y.

    To my knowledge, Mik, you never asked! :P
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

    "Hey... Philosophers love wisdom, not mankind."
    - Stephen Pastis, Pearls Before Swine

  7. #22
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    :P Not you, personally, no...

    - Mik
    "We put the 's' in 'hit', you know!"
    - Morris Major and the Minors

  8. #23


    I almost always go with the original versions. I like the orginal one better. I don't know that version just seems like he blended in better on the team. The white version is a version I think of as Snowbird being able to change into not Walter.
    Richard Vasseur

  9. #24

  10. #25


    From a purely aesthetics point of view, it's the white Sasquatch for me. From a character perspective, I prefer Walter in his own body. Soooo... How about Walter in his own body, and then he just bleaches his fur white. Works for me.

  11. #26


    Irrespective of storylines? I like the look of the white sasquatch more than the classic orange.

  12. #27


    Gotta be the original orange all the way. Based on the posts in this query sounds like we not only need Alpha Flight but also GRAMMA Flight!


  13. #28


    Quote Originally Posted by DIGGER View Post
    Gotta be the original orange all the way. Based on the posts in this query sounds like we not only need Alpha Flight but also GRAMMA Flight!


    Oh, and "orange" for me, thanx (and I meant to put an" x", not a "ks", okay?).
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  14. #29
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by mos_def View Post
    that is still a question depending on point of view. I like Walt in his body but the look of Snowbird's Sasquatch form was a better look.
    Oh, and btw, Mos, you'll find that many of the truths to which we cling depend greatly on one's point of view.
    (I can't believe it took two years to say that! I must be slipping!)

  15. #30


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Oh, and btw, Mos, you'll find that many of the truths to which we cling depend greatly on one's point of view.
    (I can't believe it took two years to say that! I must be slipping!)
    Yes, Mos definitely you are slipping, Le M!
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