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Thread: Obama wins it!

  1. #1

    Default Obama wins it!

    Who did you want to win?

    What do you think about Obama being president?

  2. #2


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  3. #3


    Im a registered independant. I voted for Obama simply to keep McCain out. At best the status quo might slightly improve.
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  4. #4


    I'm Canadian, so I couldn't vote for either, but given the options - and had I the ability - I would have voted for Obama. McCain's too "Dubya lite" for my taste, and Obama's platform was more solid.
    Allan 'HappyCanuck' Crocker

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  5. #5


    I voted for Obama cuz I thought he best represented change. Its good too that his party is the majority in senate and house therefore it would be easier to institute change.

  6. #6


    I had to vote for Obama. The thought of having both McCain and Pailin in office for for years chilled me to the bone. Everytime I saw an interview with the both of them, I kept thinking that there was a possibility that McCain could pass away in office and then she would be President. :::shudders:::

    I am happy that Obama won, now we just have to see how he spends his time in office.
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  7. #7


    Did you heard the prank did on Palin? I can understand she did not get Johnny Halliday or Richard Z. Sirois reference, but Stef Carse as Prime minister of Canada?????
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  8. #8
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I don't honestly know enough about any of the three of them to know which would be the worst president.

    That said, I'm glad to see that the US has matured enough to elect a black president.

    Let's just hope that some day they'll get the chance to elect a good president!
    (Which may be Obama, I don't know.)

    - Le Messor
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