I'm still alive (sorry to disappoint) and have updated my responsibilities on Alphanex.
Things have been incredibly busy. I'm managing a total of 6 buildings/19 units now in addition to the other work I've been doing for the past 10 years now and web site stuff on the side and my writing.
I do have a new publication out this month, in a new magazine, M-Brane Science Fiction. The magazin'es portal blog is at http://mbranesf.blogspot.com/
This magazine was started up this year, and is a PDF-sale magazine. The first issue is still available for free through the above site. The editor Christopher Fletcher is pretty well read in s/f and the stories have been pretty good.
My story "Interstellar Sting" appears in issue #4. He has accepted another story which is tentatively slated for #8. "Interstellar Sting" is DEEP space fantasy. One criticism the story got from rejecting editors in the past is that there are no human characters in it.
I've also totally rebuilt my website from the ground up. Feel free to give me your thoughts on that (and point out any editing gaffes!)