A new series about the X-Men island thingy. I suppose JP's going to be with the X-Men for a while if we're seeing him in issue#1 of this series in a December 2009 solicit. You can see him very tiny on the cover. It looks as if the series is character-driven rather than cross-over driven, so it might be a nice relief from the cross-over madness of the past few years.

Link to Marvel's solicit

COVER BY: Dustin Weaver
WRITER: Simon Spurrier
James Asmus
Scott Snyder
PENCILS: David Lopez
Stephen Thompson
A mutant nation has been created on UTOPIA, off the coast of California. But what does that mean to the X-Men? Don’t miss the series that delves into the lives and minds of your favorite X-Characters. This issue stars Colossus, Wolverine, Nightcrawler and others! Rated A …$3.99