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Thread: Blast from the past Alpha Flight volume 1 review

  1. #1
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    Default Blast from the past Alpha Flight volume 1 review

    so I have decided to review all of Volume 1 one issue at a time as I read thru them since I havent read them in years but before I do I was wondering if anyone would be interested in joining with me on this 130 Issue read along? Ill also be doing the specials after I have read all 130. so what you guys think?

  2. #2


    I'm up for that. Been a while since I did a complete read through.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  3. #3
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    sounds good Im probably gonna be starting up here within the next few hours with issue 1

  4. #4


    Looking forward to it. From reading your answers to the questionnaire I think the Mantlo reviews could get interesting

    BTW, the Marinna manip in your sig, one of yours?

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  5. #5
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    no found on google the best Ive seen ever I love it I think it was supposed to be a CD cover for a relaxing seascape audio cd reading issue now so Ill review right after prob bout 25 mins

  6. #6
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    Ok on to the reviews I hope everyone enjoys

    Volume 1 Issue 001 - TUNDRA!

    Mac stands in the now-empty Department H installation beneath Parliament Hill in Ottawa, thinking about the department's recent dissolution by the Canadian government.
    In the Northwest Territories, Easton begins a strange ritual, which is noticed by Michael's dead grandfather.
    Northstar visits Jeanne-Marie and yells at her for hiding her beauty and her mutant power. We learn she has a split personality.
    Mac flies off to investigate strange happenings in the Northwest Territories, and Heather signals the rest of Alpha Flight, Marrina and Judd to help him.
    Snowbird sees Tundra rise from the earth, having consumed the spirit of its human agent. She calls on her goddess-mother Nelvanna to aid her against this ancient foe, who attacks her with mosquitoes. It is linked to and controls the land, so the team attacks it with the forces of natural erosion, Northstar and Aurora generating wind, Michael rain, and Marrina a waterspout. The creature dissolves.
    The team decides to remain together, without government sanction.

    Probably my favorite Image of any Alpha Flight Series

    -My Review-
    We start the issue with James Hudson who is going as Vindicator, spending his last moments with Department H, dropping a few hints of how human he really is with the simple facial expression of sadness so powerful at least it was for me the first time I read this I was already hooked already feeling for James and I was only 2 panels in. From there we get a little glimpse of the last time Alpha Flight and the X-men teamed up in X-Men 139-140 against the Wendigo, Finally we get to one of my personal favorite panels, when I finally got this easy in early 1992 I only knew alpha flight puck box and marrina I had no idea who the others were as a young little 5 year old I would write bios about them with powers of what I wanted to see, and man was I way off when I found out who everyone was.

    Gary Cody then interrupts Huson's day dream to tell him he is turning the lights off, they speak a little with Cody telling him that he will be their unofficial liason (which I hoped would've been a bigger mini plot but was never explored), Guardian then takes his leave pondering of becoming canadas Captain America.

    From there we find a feeble old man seeming to be angry at the world, why we wont know until I get to issue 7 (Later on that in issue 7), anyways he begins to drag his feet in the ground making the silloette of Tundra in the snow, then after that he sits down rumaging thru a box looking for a irclet which he finds and places over his head to which we get cut off to the next scene.

    Now we are with Micheal Twoyoungmen, which I laughed at the name until I actually found out that their was a Sarcee cheif with the name twoyoungmen, way to go byrne. he is sitting at his desk when he is disturbed he then goes to a box above a shelf opening it revealing the skull of his grandfather adorned with sarcee jewelry.

    We now go to Madame Dupont's school for girls to Jeanne-Marie Beaubier aka Aurora soon after Northstar makes an appearence to which the girls fall for him very easily, to which he doesn't even notice a small hint to his true self, anyways he mentions their last appearance Machine Man #18 which I have yet to get a copy of) to which Jeanne-Marie tells him to be quiet and not talk of that part of her, they tehn go to her private quarters and talk whre they have an arguement which ends with Northstar having Aurora pass out after undoing her hair and forcing her to look into the mirror a great setup to the true relationship between these two twins. From there we go back to Vindicator who is seen looking gloom flying thru the window. Heather then greets him after a little bit heather recieves a call from cody to have James put on the news, turning on the TV they notice what the old man actually did earlier in the issue, jame sthen puts o his helmet and leaves the house as Vindicator.

    Heather knowing James cant do this alone goes into his office which is a mess and summons everyone from alpha including to betans who were ready to go to Alpha Puck & Marrina (alright my favorite ).

    From there we go to a bar and introduce Puck who in this breif intro becomes a fan favorite rather quickly, a bar fight ensues to which Eugene Milton Judd (Love that name) breaks it up and punds on the culprits which he gets the signal soon after and cartwheels away. Now we find ourselves in Newfoundland where my favorite Alphan Marrina makes her appearance, the little plot of Dans feelings really had me rooting for him and made me almost feel in his shoes later on in the series (awe the power of a preteen crush), anyway back to the book.

    We come to the most well known of the alphans next hiking in the mountains Walter Langowski, as he is hiking he gets the signal and transforms into SASQUATCH! another personal favorite, we come finally to teh introduction of our final Alphan the mysterious Snowbird the intro for her is awesome, after her quick intro we see the villian of the story's arm pop from the ground, and slowly rise becoming TUNDRA! Snowbird shows her human side as she thinks to herself Help me afraid a small quote but powerful.

    From there we get yet another showing of Marrina and my favorite of her powers, whioch was really underused, she is said to be going 900 knots roughly 1000 mph give or take a few miles, she then darts in a 90 degree turn a feat I have seen no one do since Marrina she then jumps straight out of the water with a spout of water behind her. we see a little arguement with aurira and northstar, with aurora acting way different showing the reader something was truly wrong with Aurora, from there we get a quick veiw of puck being denied access into an air force base. now onto the final fight.

    Snowbird starts talking with which Tundra responds with what seems to be a million mosquitos which she succombs to rather quickly in my eyes Hudson then comes and make sthe save destroying the mosquitos with his suit, Tundra responds with rocks being slammed into Hudson. Shaman then comes and trys to do speak with the mortal tool used to raise him to find out the mortal's mind is gone, Vindicator then starts blasting Tundra doing nothing but annoy him. We finally get to see the power of Alpha in Sasquatch as he free falls from a plane lnding on tundra who barely feels anything, he then slwoly throws chunks off of Tundra becoming a threat very quickly, to which Tundra responds by swatting Walt away like a fly, The twins then appear running circles around Tundra attempting to erode him Shaman likes the idea and conjures a quick rain cloud but before any real damage can occur the rain cloud runs out of rain. not knwoing what to do tehy almost accept defeat just at the moment still being followe dby teh water Marrina makes the save, using the wtaer she brought with her Shaman successfully erodes Tundra into a lake, where we see teh skull of the old man sink to the bottom.

    We then cut off to the Hudsons home where everyone is in the room discussing what the future of Alpha will hold, they eventually decide to stay as a group but want a new name at that moment a knock at the door is heard James answers seeing no one until he talkks saying down here James looks down seeing Eugene Judd aka Puck, Judd over hears the others trying to decide on a name he interrupts then saying he wants to be in alpha flight Walt then tells him that they could use a mascot Puck gets offended and knocks Walt thru a table, Issue one ends.

    -My Thoughts-
    This is probably the hundredth time that I have read this issue and everytime it seems to get better and better, probably not the best way to start a series but pretty close, alot of miniplots are thrown into this issue and I am loving it, The part with Puck was simple yet told alot about his character in little then 10 panels, a subplot that I am still angry about being resolved between Dan Smallwood and his feelings for Marrina, the beginning of Aurora's Spilt personality as well Heather Hudson being the reason for Alpha surviving Tundra. so much in just the 1st issue so much promise next time on my reviews part one of Marrina's Origin, yay cant wait to share my thoughts with you and hear yours, so what did every1 else think of Issue 01?

  7. #7
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    anyone else have a take on teh first ish of Alpha?

  8. #8


    I have nothing but good feelings for number 1. I've always enjoyed Byrnes art and to my mind he was at his peak when he started on Alpha. If I was to have one quibble with the first issue, it would be that there seemed no real cohesion amongst the team. Whether this was intentional or not I don't know, but it gave the impression that Alpha were amateurish. It was probably the thing that made them so likeable, but I think it's the main thing that later writers picked up on and led to the low esteem they are held in ny Marvel and their story tellers.

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  9. #9
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    ya I think that was the problem they should had alpha mature rather then stay ametuerish as alphas first true mission was against the x-men so in all reality they were a newer super team so I think John wrote them to perfection

  10. #10
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    tonight im gonna be reviewing 2-4 in one place should have it done in a few hours

  11. #11
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    We've tried this before... can't remember how far we got (which is weird, because I was doing the reviewing).

    I have two suggestions; one I couldn't do last time - do these as articles instead of posts. We have that ability now, it'd work.
    Two: (I should've done this myself, much earlier) : be succinct. Make the reviews short - mine were really long, and lack of popularity was the main reason I stopped doing them.

    remember, in these days of short attention sp

  12. #12
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    will do thx now how would I go about doing articles? Ben may take awhile but if he notices this place once again getting more active members I think he'll be doin alot more updates
    Last edited by Mrfurious87; 07-10-2010 at 10:16 PM.

  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    There's a 'Create New Article' button on the home page.
    (What time is it in Oregon?)

    From there, it's pretty much just like posting, but it does take a while (sometimes days) for Ben to publish it. Which may be a disadvantage you don't want to work with.

    - Le Messor
    "He is no lawyer who cannot take two sides."

  14. #14
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    6:14 right now

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Whew... I was worried you were up past bedtime.

    - Le Messor
    "He is truly wise who gains wisdom from another’s mishap."

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