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Thread: Favorite Alphan and why

  1. #1
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    Default Favorite Alphan and why

    I was just wondering who every1s favorite alphan is and why as the questionaire only asks favorite it would be great to see why a character tops you list, so Ill start.

    My favorite Alphan has been and always will be Marrina, the reason for this is that my first comic was a guest appearance by her in Power Pack 10 in 1992 at the ripe age of 5, I guess you could say she was my first crush, from there I picked up the first 20 issues of Alpha Flight and even though she only starred in 6 of those issues they really gave me something to love about her, all of my friends have the typical favorite heros such as spiderman hulk batman and superman but why drove me to Marrina was her tragic life, she truly was a simple girl before the master and that made her feel like a real person as most major heroes usually dont have a tragic life from beginning to end.

  2. #2


    My favorite Alpha Flighter would be Guardian, Talisman, and Diamond Lil. I really liked the 3 Charaters. Guardian (Mac/ Mac clone) The Original Guardian was great taking on the responsabilities for the greater good of the team, wanting that Wolverine would lead the team. I liked the idea that the clone was made to fill in the roll of Guardian, too bad he was died due to some degenrative flaw (if I remember correctlly). Diamond Lil was just a hard ass back in the day with OF, and when she killed the dark version of Spider Man was awsome. Too bad she's dead now too. Talisman I always liked from the get go, to be the next sorrceress suprime in my eyes instead of Dr. Voodoo.

  3. #3
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    ya talisman was/is awesome, and diamond lil had great potential

  4. #4


    Feedback, Windshear, Nemesis, Box; All 4 have powers I like (I always like what I call non-example powers) and the last 3 have great costumes. Not the only ones I like (Ghost Girl, Guardian,...) but my top 4.
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  5. #5
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    I've tried to like Jefferies and I do dont get me wrong but I hate how he took over the Box robot, but Ill give you his box suit was awesome

  6. #6


    Puck and Mac will always be up there but over the years it morphed into Madison. Smart guy whose powers were a cross between Magneto and Forge - who was big at the time. Throw in the Box armor who is like Gundam Heavy Arms and you have a winner. I dont like all the tampering they have been doing though but the sheer fact that he wasnt an original Alphan helps alot cuz he has. to me, looked like a loved veteran

  7. #7


    Sasquatch hands down, when he lands on Tundra in vol. 1 # 1 and just starts ripping him to shreds is for me the stuff of legend.

  8. #8


    My favorite has always been Guardian (Mac, not the clone, not Heather). When he first appeared I was 12 and had been reading comics for quite some time. To see a truly Canadian superhero right down to the flag on his uniform was just such a thrill. What I will never forget was when issue 11 came out with the promo ad of who will survive/die in issue 12. I kept looking at it and tried to figure out who would die. Certainly not Guardian. He was the leader...the first Alphan (I know, I know. Wolverine) he couldn't possibly be the one to die. When issue 12 came out it was the first time I had ever turned to the end of the story to see what happened. I am pretty sure that I sat staring at that page for quite some time before reading the whole story. After having read it, I was still upset that Byrne killed Mac, but I had to admit to myself that even though he died he went out a TRUE HERO. He died while saving someone.

  9. #9


    My most favorite has to be Heather, followed by Sasquatch and Talisman...I'm also fond of Northstar and Aurora.


  10. #10


    For me it was definitely Mac, followed by Sasquatch. Both them were Canucks afterall, and they were out there before Alpha ever even hit print. Right there with such heavies as the Hulk and the X-Men, with the Thing having to admit Sasq was his all around better, and Mac, draped in the Mapleleaf, KO'ing Wolverine with ONE punch ... and then fighting the X-Men to a standstill.

    WOW. What a beginning!
    "You just decided *all by yourselves* that you are the Earth's protectors. And that you, and *only* you, not your teammates or family, are trustworthy enough to include in the process..."

    T'Challa, The New Avengers: Illuminati 1

  11. #11


    Um...Only Mac had a solo appearance before the rest of Alpha Flight was shown in the X-Men, PS.


  12. #12
    Marrina's #1 Fan Miles First Flight
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    I think he was talking about the Alpha Flight series

  13. #13


    Northstar, hands down. Proud to the point of arrogance, sharp-tongued, easy on the eyes, low BS tolerance, and sensible enough to know that there's a difference between "friends" and "co-workers". Not to mention that I like reluctant heroes -- I always find them more relatable than do-gooders.

  14. #14


    Talisman, hands down.

  15. #15
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Calibre, hands up!

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