Picked the first issue up after finding out it had a reunion of sorts of the Marvel owned Micronauts! One of my fave series in the early 80's. This series continues on events from Realm of Kings:Son of Hulk (which I can't find anywhere!) but it didn't take me long to be caught up. This also does not take into account the Micronauts The New Voyages series that killed off the Micronauts (due to Marvel letting the licence lapse).

Anyhow, this is the start of a great space adventure by the same creative team as Son of Hulk. He has a good read on the core cast and it was made even better when Bug came back where he belongs. I don't know too much about Carl, apparently he's a Deaths Head android. Is that the same from the old Marvel Brit comic? Hopefully more will be revealed as they chase Hiro-Kala. Very good start. If the same creative team were to do an ongoing and add some more of the old 'nauts (Huntarr, Acroyear under a new name, Devil/Fireflyte or even some non-Micros like say, the Warbound?) I would buy it even at a 3.99 price tag.