Anyone pick this up?



At one time, I believed Chris Clairemont the god send of all comic books... Then... I lost faith (when he did stories that introduce like the Neo Mutants or whatever)... I was sure, that he was a washed up writer that couldn't be salvaged.

He's writing Dead X-Men. And... I am surprised.

His writing of THUNDERBIRD is nothing short of awesome. I liked THUNDERBIRD back in the day - the whole three or four issues he was alive. I liked the idea of the character, and even the design of his costume. His demise as a hero only added to the coolness of it.

WARPATH coming a long later, wanting revenge against Charles Xavier gave birth to another, new and interesting version. I rapidly began to like Warpath as well. But over time, he seemed to melt away in the background of New Mutants... he resurfaced a bit in X-FORCE... then melted away again... recently began interesting again with his special knives, and it seemed they'd be doing much more with him... but again he fell to the background. (As far as I know... he might be in the new X-FORCE book or something that I refuse to collect...)

Back to DEAD X-MEN. Clairemont writers THUNDERBIRD as a strong character and a strong leader. Not only do we get THUNDERBIRD back, but those COCO sisters or whatever they're called (never cared for them), but BANSHEE returns as well as Moira McTaggart - which was very interesting - since this is the first time we see someone without super powers coming back (no super suit, no nothing, unlike say GUARDIAN). THUNDERBIRD is written so well - that in one single issue - he skyrocketed back up to one of my favorites. I am hoping to see Thunderbird, Banshee, and Moira return to the land of the living...