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Thread: Article: Review - Alpha Flight #1 (vol.4) Advanced Review (No Spoilers)

  1. #16


    ha ha phil! my folks used to say the same thing to me when i was a kid, alas, i would always try to find the presents around xmas time. patience is not one of my strongsuits.

    i just hope "the trader" doesn't kill the team dynamic. been waiting a looooong time for the originals to be back together!

  2. #17


    Just don't turn straight to the last page!
    Read the issue properly. It'll make the reveal even better!

  3. #18


    Can't reveal any spoilers, sorry! Tomorrow you'll know.

  4. #19


    lol. you guys are just downright mean! fine fine, tomorrow it will be!

  5. #20


    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    Don't shoot me if I tell you all that I'm not particularly a comic book fan (I mostly care because Dale draws them!) or even an Alpha Flight fan (I hadn't heard much about this book before Dale got the job, but now I love this team!!). But this little preface serves to support my objectivity when I say that I read this book, and it's GOOD!!!
    Yay! One of us, one of us!

    There are some cool folks over at CBR, but's generally not that welcoming a place if your tastes are a bit out of step with mainstream comics (which I still think is a bit of an oxymoron, but that's a whole other discussion).

    22 hours and counting...

  6. #21


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Just don't turn straight to the last page!
    Read the issue properly. It'll make the reveal even better!
    Also don't read Marvel's September 2011 Solicitations, as they spoil the last page of issue #1!

  7. #22


    Just picked up my 2 regular and 2 variant copies! It looks sweet! Can hardly wait to finish work and get home to read the rest of the book!

  8. #23
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Here's a reviewer at Newsarama who liked the issue a whole lot more than the CBR guy, and he nailed the main reason why I like this book: 'cause it's a good, ol', unapologetic superhero story!

  9. #24


    Did you guys catch the "FREG" at the end? Awesome

  10. #25
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
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    Read it this morning first thing I did when I woke. Sublime is all I have to say. I had a smile on my face the entire issue. I love Marrina, cracked me up. 30 days wait! Arrrrgh!

    Ok, I guess I had a little more to say. =D>

  11. #26


    Awesome issue!

    This is the Alpha Flight I have been waiting decades for!

    Guardian acting like a hero.

    Sasquatch and Aurora flirting.

    Snowbird with a personality!

    And Marrina...LOVE her new personality!!!

  12. #27


    I love this issue!!! Did you see Sas tackle the ocean liner? Which had the force of a tsunami behind it? AWESOME!

  13. #28


    I really enjoyed this first issue. I absolutely loved reading these characters once more and truth to tell, not being entirely familiar with these characters (as far as their more recent histories show) I felt very much like an AF newbie...and I was thouroughly intrigued. The general feeling after reading this first issue was quite similar to how I felt after reading the very first Byrne AF #1 decades ago. My hat's off to FVL and GP.
    However...I do wish Eaglesham was inking his pencils and Ms. Oback's colour palette could be just a tad more vibrant with a greater variety of tones...I know it is unreasonable of me, but artwise, I was hoping for something similar to Eaglesham's Fantastic Four.

    With that said...I cannot wait for for issue #2!

  14. #29
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Well, I haven't read it yet. It's not like I got off the plane after a 20+hour trip after over a month in the USA, then drove immediately clear across town to my LCS to pick up my copies so I could read them and post here again.

    HAH! I kid.
    It's exactly like that.

    I noticed in #1 or #2, Guardian melting his way out of an office building - he did the same thing in v1 #11, to avoid glass on pedestrians. Cool touch, and they didn't draw attention to it!

    Quote Originally Posted by suzene View Post
    Weirdly, it's the remarks about the art with regards to the coloring that annoy me; the reviewer seems to think Eaglesham did the coloring as well as the art, and comes across as dinging the artist for something that wasn't even his job.
    Quote Originally Posted by Imraith Nimphais View Post
    ... Ms. Oback's colour palette could be just a tad more vibrant with a greater variety of tones...
    I understood the CBR article as meaning that the colouring had buried Dale's artwork. One of the reasons I agree with Imraith here. (That and I'd just generally like to see vibrant colours in comics again... please?)

    Some of it did seem to attack the artwork, too, though...

    - Le Messor
    "Mary had a little lamb, You've heard this one before. But did you know she passed her plate, And had a little more?"
    ~ collected by "Uncle Jake" Rhine
    Last edited by Le Messor; 07-20-2011 at 01:11 AM.

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