Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
I'll take your word for it on JSA, but heartily agree on Avengers Academy which totally and completely ROCKS! \m/

But, to play devils advocate, didn't AF already do this, in the entirety of Volume 3? Puck II, Yukon Jack, Cenetennial, Nemesis, Major Maple Leaf II, Mar, all being lead by their mentor/teacher, Sasquatch. Yet, almost everybody here at this site hated it.

Not saying that it being new heroes was the only reason for that hatred. Just suggesting that perhaps most of us here wouldn't be willing to accept new heroes? After all, most of us are clamoring for the return of more of the old ones.

Just saying.
The difference there is THAT Alpha team was the ONLY team. Also the fact it was poorly written hindered it. The X franchise does this a lot with student characters, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but either way it grows a supporting cast and sometimes new favorites emerge. I like the return of some vets too (although past Byrne's creations none really grew on me except perhaps Persuasion) but I certainly would never want to limit Fred 'n Greg's (I refuse to use the term Freg) creativity if they want to give us new members.