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Thread: What Do YOU Want From Alpha Flight?

  1. #61


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Del's smiley face is a link to the actual question;
    Ah, thanks Phil.

    And, no, THAT answer by FVL was definitely NOT ambiguous! Actually, it was so honest, it hurts a little bit...
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  2. #62


    Or a trekker, apparently
    I've seen 90% of the ST:TNG episodes...and all the movies. Most of the original series, in repeat. But do i memorize plots and dialogue, etcetera? No.
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  3. #63
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I've seen 90% of the ST:TNG episodes...and all the movies. Most of the original series, in repeat. But do i memorize plots and dialogue, etcetera? No.
    There. Are. Four. Lights!

  4. #64


    Huh. One of the few episodes i did NOT see.

    Makes a much better captain of a starship than he does a mutant leader, IMO.
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  5. #65


    When asked "What did you think of the various runs on Alpha Flight after Byrne left. Which of them stood out most to you? " FVL said this

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  6. #66



    Look, I love Fred to pieces...hate to say ANYTHING negative, after he has so lovingly given us our Flight back...but, REALLY!?! Go down to the bargain bin, pick up the issues, and read them! If we all had to suffer through them (and some of them we loved, too), then so should the current creative team.
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  7. #67
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I'd think he should read the later ones, if for nothing else than to research the team.

    But what aboug Greg?
    Has he read them?

    - Le Messor
    What do *I* want from Alpha Flight? One. Billion. Dollars.
    Actually, I don't care who gives it to me. And I don't see Alpha Flight having it. I just want the money.

  8. #68


    i love this team, but i got to be honest, i'm alot like fred, nothing past issues 28 really grabbed me. the team was pretty much coasting to me at that point. fabians run was pretty good, and the weapon omega stuff was pretty cool. but thats about it. but i still bought every issue

  9. #69


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I'd think he should read the later ones, if for nothing else than to research the team.
    Yes, there were some good nuggets there to work with. I hope eventually they will work off of some of the other storylines that came post-Byrne, but I can see why right now, they want to steer clear of continuity baggage.
    Stop the Goblyn hate!

  10. #70
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
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    • Talisman back obviously.
    • A new Box would be nice, maybe a squadron of them ala DC's Rocket Reds.
    • Capt. Britain and MI:13 will already be appearing so that's one wish granted.
    • Some international adventures, for some reason I'd like to see them visit Russia and work/fight with the Winter Guard. Canada's proximity with Russia via the Arctic has some story potential there I think.
    • Some brand new heroes would be cool as well and I wouldn't be opposed to some international or American heroes on the team...just not U.S.Agent.
    • A supernatural adventure.
    • Gamma Flight. New crop of Canadian heroes with Alpha (or former members) as mentors/teachers? Yes please. It worked for the JSA and it's working for Avengers Academy.

    That's about it, I leave the rest up to Fred 'n Greg 'n Dale.

    Last edited by DaVeO; 09-04-2011 at 03:34 PM.
    The world is NOT getting more Alpha Flight! Tweet me you twits! @DaVeO52

  11. #71


    New crop of Canadian heroes with Alpha (or former members) as mentors/teachers? Yes please. It worked for the JSA and it's working for Avengers Academy.
    I'll take your word for it on JSA, but heartily agree on Avengers Academy which totally and completely ROCKS! \m/

    But, to play devils advocate, didn't AF already do this, in the entirety of Volume 3? Puck II, Yukon Jack, Cenetennial, Nemesis, Major Maple Leaf II, Mar, all being lead by their mentor/teacher, Sasquatch. Yet, almost everybody here at this site hated it.

    Not saying that it being new heroes was the only reason for that hatred. Just suggesting that perhaps most of us here wouldn't be willing to accept new heroes? After all, most of us are clamoring for the return of more of the old ones.

    Just saying.
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  12. #72


    Since the Avengers and Wolverine are set. I would like to see some actually closure between Logan and Alpha Flight. The whole: "Weapon X you really belong to us or we just have to fight you because" needs to be settled. I would actually enjoy Wolverine telling AF now they've been on the other end of the rope with the government hunting them. Time for them to all respect each other again. I also would love to see some more fall out from Omega Flight mini and the current team. Sasquatch was on both and Pointer after all "killed" them and was made into a hero and then later a weapon by their own government. Makes you think.

  13. #73
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I'll take your word for it on JSA, but heartily agree on Avengers Academy which totally and completely ROCKS! \m/

    But, to play devils advocate, didn't AF already do this, in the entirety of Volume 3? Puck II, Yukon Jack, Cenetennial, Nemesis, Major Maple Leaf II, Mar, all being lead by their mentor/teacher, Sasquatch. Yet, almost everybody here at this site hated it.

    Not saying that it being new heroes was the only reason for that hatred. Just suggesting that perhaps most of us here wouldn't be willing to accept new heroes? After all, most of us are clamoring for the return of more of the old ones.

    Just saying.
    The difference there is THAT Alpha team was the ONLY team. Also the fact it was poorly written hindered it. The X franchise does this a lot with student characters, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but either way it grows a supporting cast and sometimes new favorites emerge. I like the return of some vets too (although past Byrne's creations none really grew on me except perhaps Persuasion) but I certainly would never want to limit Fred 'n Greg's (I refuse to use the term Freg) creativity if they want to give us new members.
    The world is NOT getting more Alpha Flight! Tweet me you twits! @DaVeO52

  14. #74


    Quote Originally Posted by DaVeO View Post
    The difference there is THAT Alpha team was the ONLY team. Also the fact it was poorly written hindered it. The X franchise does this a lot with student characters, sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't but either way it grows a supporting cast and sometimes new favorites emerge. I like the return of some vets too (although past Byrne's creations none really grew on me except perhaps Persuasion) but I certainly would never want to limit Fred 'n Greg's (I refuse to use the term Freg) creativity if they want to give us new members.
    I agree. Right now, both the X-Men and the Avengers have enough members for multiple teams... they even take the time to help train newer members (ie. Avengers Academy).
    They could recreate a Beta Flight team and have some of the Alpha team act as trainers and instructors... I think Northstar, Jeffries, and Shaman would be excellent in that type of role. That would allow room for Talisman to join back up.
    Also, WAYYYY back around 1991, didn't they have so many X-Men that they divided it up into two teams (I think they were called "Cyclops' Blue team" and "Storm's Gold team"). In cases where there are multiple threats, we could have a "Red team" and a "White team".
    That's the great thing about Alpha... so many ideas, so much potential.
    The Flight Forever !

  15. #75


    Yeah, but the Avengers & X books get away with it through mulitple books.
    AF doesn't have the luxury of being able to/the readership needed to spin off a compainion book.

    Having a Beta Flight cast adds yet more people to an already packed book and it'll just turn casual readers off.

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