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Thread: I remember Marvel when it was......

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  1. #33
    Lion-O's 2nd Cousin Alpha Flight
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    Mar 2007


    Today I cancelled most of my Marvels except AF, X-Factor and the remaining issue of Cloak & Dagger and Deadly Hands of Kung-Fu. It was actually quite a freeing feeling. If I start to see a change in how they run their business and treat the fans I'll *consider* returning. I honestly don't feel they give a crap about us other then our worth as consumers. Not the talent mind you, just the higher ups. Time to look for other pastures. Here is my shortlist of TO GET trades.

    The Walking Dead (I've read the first five hardcover collections and I think it may be the greatest comic ever)
    Invincible (I bought the Ultimate Ed HC and it was the most enjoyable super hero story I've read in the past ten years. Beats Spider-Man hands down)
    B.P.R.D. (I'm up to date with Hellboy so I'm going to finally start with the Plague of Frogs HC)
    The Sixth Gun (cowboys and occult? YES PLEASE!)
    Street Fighter collections (I love those artists from UDON)
    DC will get my super hero bucks, especially that Dark line which I'm loving as well as Batwoman and Aquaman.
    And of course Fables is my continuing series from Vertigo.

    I refuse to let Marvel stab me in the heart again, so I'll just leave them with a little less revenue.
    Last edited by DaVeO; 10-26-2011 at 10:12 PM.
    The world is NOT getting more Alpha Flight! Tweet me you twits! @DaVeO52

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