Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
Thunderbolts is becoming Dark Avengers?!!?! Wha...??!?!

Guess you can tell i dropped TBolts about 6 months ago, eh?
It was just announced at whatever Con was last weekend. After #175, T-Bolts will keep the numbering and creative team and instead just be re-named "Dark Avengers". Ugh. Why does Marvel just keep insisting on narrowing their target audience? Calling the book Dark Avengers doesn't make it less like The Thunderbolts and any more like The Avengers than New Avengers was any less like The Defenders, etc., etc.

Oh, I am also looking forward to DC's Earth 2 series, coming soon. That looks like it'll be a blast (why does that suddenly make me get a mental picture of Weapon Omega being blown to smithereens?), as i have always been a fan of DC's second earth, since the late 70's. Big Justice Society fan here.
Oh, yeah, I forgot about this one, too. I hope it fills the hole left by the departure of JSA.