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Thread: So, What Ya Reading?

  1. #1

    Default So, What Ya Reading?

    After Alpha finished I didn't actually have anything that I was collecting monthly. I've started to get the 'Ultimate Graphic Novels' collection, but that was about it. Anyways I went to the store yesterday as Heather and me make a day of it. Comic store, pub lunch and a wander around the market and Mall. I've ended up ordering the upcoming before 'Watchmen' comics, the TPB of 'X-Men, Second Coming', missed the last part in the British reprints and was really enjoying the story and picked up the first eight issues of the renumbered Uncanny. That's about it, nothing else on the shelves caught my attention.

    And that's whee the title of the thread comes in

    Driftwood: Well, I got about a foot and a half. Now, it says, uh, "The party of the second part shall be known in this contract as the party of the second part."
    Fiorello: Well, I don't know about that...
    Driftwood: Now what's the matter?
    Fiorello: I no like-a the second party, either.
    Driftwood: Well, you should've come to the first party. We didn't get home 'til around four in the morning... I was blind for three days!

  2. #2


    Just got off the Moonstone/Canadian Heroes thread and was reminded of the Heroes of the North books that Ardden will publish. David Cutler will be drawing those as well.

    Darker in tone though.

    That aside, very little gets my attention. I have (and want) nothing to do with Marvel that isn't Alpha-related, get only Batwoman from DC, though I may get their Earth-2 stuff in trades but obviously that's not happening for a while. I enjoy Green Hornet from Dynamite. That's about it.
    Last edited by TSOG; 03-18-2012 at 10:47 AM.

  3. #3


    From Marvel, I just started picking up Secret Avengers, and was getting Defenders cuz i am a sucker for the Defenders (my favourite team not named Flight)...but am deciding i am not THAT much of a sucker that I will buy a Defenders book that doesnt feel like the Defenders at all. Also, Wolverine & The X-Men is one fo the funniest comics on the planet.

    From DC, I am hooked on Frankenstein: Agent of FEAR, as well as Teen Titans and Red Hood & the Outlaws. Great books, all.

    From IDW, I am reading Dungeons & Dragons, and will be checking out Trio when it starts in a few months.

    From Image, I collect Hack/Slash, Glory (interesting re-start!), and Youngblood.

    From Boom Studios, Valen the Outcast is, so far, super-awesome!

    And from Aspen Comics, Lady Mechanika.

    Other than that, I read the internet. And the inside of my eyelids.
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  4. #4
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    I recently went through a Marvel crisis, where I realised that I didn't want to quit reading Marvel, but they weren't producing anything (from 616) that I wanted to read.

    I ended up with Avengers Academy. (I looked at X-Factor and Wolverine and the X-Men, but couldn't bring myself to read anything with an X on the cover, because I don't want to buy 15 books a month so I can read 12 books a year. - But the X-Factor is Peter David, so probably good, and I've heard nothing but good about Wolverine and the X-Men. You may want to look into them.)

    I'm reading Dark Tower and Buffy (and spin-offs), though I've gone to trade-waiting on all these. (And The Stand, but the final HC should be coming out soon.)

    From the New 52 I surprised myself by picking up two titles: Green Arrow (which, yes, I started for the AF homage, but I enjoyed it and kept it up) and JLI, which I've also been liking.

    Mostly, though, the best place I can think of to find comics I like is the past.
    I just got a couple of The Incredible Hulk Visionaries: Peter David trades, and an original Geffen / DeMatteis JLI hc from a sale (really liked the Hulk, haven't got to the JLI yet), and have been getting mixed results from Marvel Premiere Classics. (They're all over the place, of course, but there's been a lot to enjoy - they seem to be doing most of the West Coast Avengers, for example.)
    I'm after the first two New Mutants Classics, and all the Power Pack Classics (waiting for #4 to be published on that one).
    ... and the New Teen Titans omnibi...

    I've been hearing good things about Frankenstein: Agent Of FEAR.

    - Le Messor
    "If it doesn't matter, it doesn't matter."
    Last edited by Le Messor; 03-18-2012 at 03:54 PM.

  5. #5
    Semper ubi sub ubi Legerd's Avatar
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    With Alpha no longer being printed I'm exclusively DC now, having picked up JLI and Animal Man.

  6. #6


    Currently from Marvel I am reading Amazing Spider-Man, Avengers, Captain America, Captain America and Bucky, Daredevil, Defenders, Fantastic Four, Incredible Hulk, Invincible Iron Man, Thor, Thunderbolts, Uncanny X-Men, and X-Men Legacy. Oh, and Dark Tower.

    From DC is Action Comics, Flash, Green Arrow, Green Lantern, Justice League, Suicide Squad, Superman, and Teen Titans.

    Out of those, Thunderbolts will be dropped with #175 when it changes its name to...<ugh>...Dark Avengers, and Green Arrow has through Ann Nocenti's first arc for me to decide whether to drop it or not. This will be the first time I am down to 20 titles in approximately 20 years.

    Oh, and I get The Walking Dead in trades.

  7. #7


    after alpha flight i went dc. i'm reading batman, green arrow, and green lantern. the new batman/talon story is amazing.
    Pain knows no boundries, but Puck knows pain!!!!

  8. #8


    Thunderbolts is becoming Dark Avengers?!!?! Wha...??!?!

    Guess you can tell i dropped TBolts about 6 months ago, eh?

    So far, Wolverine and the X-Men hasn't made me buy anything else with X in the title. I hope that trend continues. If it doesn't...I'll drop WatXM; that'll solve that problem.

    Oh, I am also looking forward to DC's Earth 2 series, coming soon. That looks like it'll be a blast (why does that suddenly make me get a mental picture of Weapon Omega being blown to smithereens?), as i have always been a fan of DC's second earth, since the late 70's. Big Justice Society fan here.
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  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    I ended up with Avengers Academy. (I looked at X-Factor and Wolverine and the X-Men, but couldn't bring myself to read anything with an X on the cover, because I don't want to buy 15 books a month so I can read 12 books a year. - But the X-Factor is Peter David, so probably good, and I've heard nothing but good about Wolverine and the X-Men. You may want to look into them.)
    Le Messor, check out the recent issues of X-Factor. I hadn't read X-Factor since 1998. Saw that Havok and Polaris who are two of my favorite X-Men were rejoining the team, so I bought issues 230 - 232. Enjoyed the They Keep Killing Madrox arc so much I went and bought issues 224.1 - 229 to get the whole story. Peter David can still write humorous, captivating stories.

  10. #10


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    That looks like it'll be a blast (why does that suddenly make me get a mental picture of Weapon Omega being blown to smithereens?)
    Because that's such a pleasant thought you WANT to have it. Some people daydream about umbrella drinks on the beach. Alpha Flight fans, on the other hand...

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by tsog View Post
    because that's such a pleasant thought you want to have it. Some people daydream about umbrella drinks on the beach. Alpha flight fans, on the other hand...
    so true.
    Support Artists, Not Companies! Creator-owned comics are where the real art is at!

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    Also 'occasionally' ranting Alpha Flight related stuff at

  12. #12


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    Thunderbolts is becoming Dark Avengers?!!?! Wha...??!?!

    Guess you can tell i dropped TBolts about 6 months ago, eh?
    It was just announced at whatever Con was last weekend. After #175, T-Bolts will keep the numbering and creative team and instead just be re-named "Dark Avengers". Ugh. Why does Marvel just keep insisting on narrowing their target audience? Calling the book Dark Avengers doesn't make it less like The Thunderbolts and any more like The Avengers than New Avengers was any less like The Defenders, etc., etc.

    Oh, I am also looking forward to DC's Earth 2 series, coming soon. That looks like it'll be a blast (why does that suddenly make me get a mental picture of Weapon Omega being blown to smithereens?), as i have always been a fan of DC's second earth, since the late 70's. Big Justice Society fan here.
    Oh, yeah, I forgot about this one, too. I hope it fills the hole left by the departure of JSA.

  13. #13
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chris View Post
    Peter David can still write humorous, captivating stories.
    Yes, I've always enjoyed his work.

    I've only got a couple of his earlier issues of X-Factor, but I really liked them.

    - Le Messor
    "My brother in the FBI is always telling me about his cases. Like this girl they found. Dead. Wrapped in Plastic."
    ~ Val COOPER, Peter David's X-Factor

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