I hate this version of him, though. Yeah, he beat Wolverine, but other than that he's a pretty flat character... just a typical sneering villain with no depth, not a trace of the character I loved. Loeb's whole story was terrible and I'd rather pretend it never happened than glorify it because Wildchild got one feat out of it to add to his list. 'Sides, most fans I've seen online HATE Wildchild now, and not in the good 'love to hate that bastard' way that Sabertooth tends to enjoy, they think he's a lame Mini-Sabe with a bad Hot Topic makeover, and that his sudden overpowered status is uncalled for and remains unjustified and unexplained. It's embarrassing, and I doubt I'll ever see anything good done with him ever again, if Marvel is sticking with this version of him.