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Thread: Wolverine #304 (2012) - Return of an Alpha Flight member

  1. #31
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    There was really no reason for him to be in that last Loeb story...lupine? Bah!
    That's the one thing of Loeb's that I've read that I thought was genuinely bad.
    Half of them weren't remotely canine. Confusing cats and apes with dogs? That's worse than calling a chimpanzee a monkey.

    - Le Messor
    "If we breed like rabbits, in the long run we have we have to die like rabbits."
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  2. #32


    I thought that synopsis was a joke at first. **** you Marvel, **** you.

    Why the hell would Wildchild even be at a party for Sabertooth? Great, this writer has even less knowledge about the character than the last. I would have liked for him to be brought back in a creative way that makes sense and isn't centered around Sabertooth or Wolverine. You guys remember when Wildchild, for all his inconsistencies, was still at least his own character? *sigh*

    I will not touch anything Wolverine is playing a main role in nowadays. He is cancer.
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  3. #33


    Quote Originally Posted by -K-M- View Post
    Yeah he threw it, but the party was to celebrate the fact Sabretooth became the "secret assassin lord of the entire eastern hemisphere" and that's why all the villians showed up.

    Sabretooth: "look at them. Any one of them would kill me at the drop of a hat. That's the only reason they're here. To size me up, looking for an opening"
    Mystique: "Welcome to the top, my dear. Best get used to everyone you meet wanting to kill you."

    Oh god... That characterization is Loeb and Way level bad. Just kill the lot of them off and start over Marvel! Put them all out of their misery. This is just getting disgusting.
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  4. #34


    I didn't have a problem with it.
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  5. #35


    What's nice for you, then. I think the entire concept of it is awful. I'm already in a bad mood today for other reasons, though, so not mentally prepared for an in depth discussion of the pros and cons, though. I just really hoped if it happened, it would have been different. This is just more of the same.
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  6. #36


    Well, bringing back Wild Child, in and of itself, is a good thing.

    I didn't mind the silly, comedic style of the whole issue. Comics all full of darkness and death and grey tones and moody heroes who kill without feeling bad and deaths of heroes off-panel...all that stuff get me depressed. Id' rather see some lightheartedness thrown in there. Comics are SUPPOSED to be fun, after all!

    That being said, those who don't like it, i get it, not saying you are wrong in feeling differently about it. To each their own.
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  7. #37


    I agree with you on that, it's just that the concept of Sabretooth as some top assassin and all these villains hanging around him... and the return of his romance with Mystique? All lovey dovey now? Really? Ugh. I second those who say we can have fun and light without going full on ******.

    I would rather Wildchild stay dead than be resurrected just to be Sabes' ***** or Wolverine's punching bag again. And Loeb's make-over has got to go. Nipple rings? Really? I still can't get over how stupid it is, all these years later. I really just can't be happy with what Marvel does anymore. I got some X-Factor, and it's really good, but even there there's the whole Rhane Sinclair issue.
    Last edited by rplass; 06-23-2012 at 09:55 PM.
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  8. #38
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    I'd rather see some lightheartedness thrown in there. Comics are SUPPOSED to be fun, after all!
    Me too!

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  9. #39


    And Loeb's make-over has got to go. Nipple rings? Really? I still can't get over how stupid it is, all these years later. I really just can't be happy with what Marvel does anymore.
    Well, i agree with that last sentence, although they keep momentarily sucking me back in. Still reading books such as "Secret Avengers" and "Defenders", and most especially "Wolverine and the X-Men" which i LOVE.

    As far as Wild Child's 'new' look (its really kind of old, now), i can roll with it. It came about at the same time as his brand-new kick-arse attitude, and his extreme beat-down of Wolverine; anything that makes Kyle into a great arch-villain, I am all for!
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  10. #40


    I hate this version of him, though. Yeah, he beat Wolverine, but other than that he's a pretty flat character... just a typical sneering villain with no depth, not a trace of the character I loved. Loeb's whole story was terrible and I'd rather pretend it never happened than glorify it because Wildchild got one feat out of it to add to his list. 'Sides, most fans I've seen online HATE Wildchild now, and not in the good 'love to hate that bastard' way that Sabertooth tends to enjoy, they think he's a lame Mini-Sabe with a bad Hot Topic makeover, and that his sudden overpowered status is uncalled for and remains unjustified and unexplained. It's embarrassing, and I doubt I'll ever see anything good done with him ever again, if Marvel is sticking with this version of him.
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  11. #41
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    Yeah, he beat Wolverine, but other than that he's a pretty flat character... just a typical sneering villain with no depth

    - Le Messor
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  12. #42


    'Sides, most fans I've seen online HATE Wildchild now, and not in the good 'love to hate that bastard' way that Sabertooth tends to enjoy, they think he's a lame Mini-Sabe with a bad Hot Topic makeover, and that his sudden overpowered status is uncalled for and remains unjustified and unexplained. It's embarrassing, and I doubt I'll ever see anything good done with him ever again, if Marvel is sticking with this version of him.
    I wonder how much of that comes from his Age of Apocalypse appearances and whatnot, as he is 'literally' Sabretooth's lapdog in those issues. I think those appearances, more than any other, ruined his credibility forever; doesn't matter that they take place in another universe/reality/whatever, as the people see them and then associate the character of Wild Child with them (as he wasn't really being used anywhere else at the time that would get him more, and better, publicity).
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  13. #43


    Without the Age of Apocalypse appearances though he'd never have become a part of X-Factor so I think they worked out well.

  14. #44


    Nope. They were specifically talking about Loeb and Way's run. I think the only ones who see 616 Wildchild as the same as AoA Wildchild are jaded editors who want to capitalize on the popularity of the AoA universe. Though they committed economic suicide letting some douche kill a whole bunch of the AoA characters off all at once recently, including AoA Wildchild.

    Funny enough, I've had conversations with people who liked AoA Wildchild because he was mini sabes in a lovable way, while despising 616 Wildchild because they saw Loeb's version as a lame replacement for Sabretooth. And I agree with them. This isn't Wildchild to me, but then, who IS Wildchild at this point?
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  15. #45


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Without the Age of Apocalypse appearances though he'd never have become a part of X-Factor so I think they worked out well.
    Shame how it turned out though. I loved him when he first joined, regardless of identity crisis issues. But boy did they **** things up as soon as the creative team changed. His look was perfect at that time, too... he LOOKED like Weapon Omega, slowly reverting to the way Wildchild originally looked. I just wish the writer had focused more on the trauma of slowly turning back into the insane monster who killed people and the horror of what was done to him instead of making it a superficial thing about not wanting to be ugly.

    Interesting thing I noticed; for Wildchild's last appearance in X-Factor, the Editor who had brought him to that book was the editor again, just for that one issue, not the idiot who said he's 16. At least someone loved him.
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
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