Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
I don't know. It's something I've only heard about.

Comics writers don't seem to get, though, that there are people who *gasp* don't have sex! And if anybody would wait until marriage, it's Rahne, who's always been a stereotyped repressed character.
I don't think it's even that. I think they just thought it would be an interesting way to torture the character. I'm pretty sure it happened in X-Force or something, when Rahne left X-Factor for awhile. I'm pretty sketchy on the details. She had sex with a wolf god basically, an old friend from her New Mutants days who wanted her to not be fearful or hateful of her powers... though, uh, wasn't she already past that? And how does knocking up the very very conservative Catholic girl help the situation? Then she had to worry about not only her soul but weather or not giving birth to a demigod would kill her in the process, etc. I need to find out which writer did that to her so he can go on my 'do not read' list.

It was bad enough when Moira, another favorite character of mine, was killed off just to make Rahne into a bitter angsty biker chick or some stupid ****. Another plot I'm sketchy on the details of, but seriously Why? Just why...?

Thank you! I've felt marginalised by comics for a long time (but I'm Christian, and therefore biased - it's kind of vindicating for me when people without that bias seem to agree).

- Le Messor
"Ignoranus: A person who's both stupid and an *******"
I'm sure I'm not the only one.

I want characters to have different perspectives coming from different cultural and religious backgrounds. That creates a world that is deep and diverse and believable. I loved Rahne because she was this oppressed abused little girl who was strong enough not to let what was done to her change her heart or what she believes in her heart. She was an example of what a good Christian should be. She always tried to follow her religion strictly, and always tried to be a moral voice. Yet she never was the sort to cast the first stone, denigrate other's beliefs they hold just as dear, or preach damnation. Presumably she knew what it was like to have faith wielded as a weapon against you, and would not use it to cut others down. Even David gets this wrong now, as good as he is, and makes her sound like some backwater Born Again Fundamentalist. She's pretty much not even the same character. It sucks so bad.

I loved that there was this character who was so chaste and traditional, but totally relateable. I didn't even see her as sexually oppressed, because I could understand where she was coming from and respect her for it. It's not like she didn't think about boys, romance, how she's percieved by the opposite sex... she was actually very normal in New Mutants thru X-Factor v1 with regards to that. She simply didn't believe in frivolousness or sex outside of wedlock. What a novel idea. I really enjoyed that.

Marvel and their writers are in a death spiral of self-influence and market analysis of an increasingly a small fan base who are becoming reduced to a small demographic who are satisfied with more of the same. Just look at AF v4. Formulaic.

Sypes, can you link me? I want in, if you don't mind, that is.