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Thread: The Avengers Movie sans spoilers

  1. #16


    I heard that Captain America is a ghost the whole movie that only Iron Man can see, Loki is Hawkeye's father, Black Widow is actually a guy, and Thor is Kaiser Soze.

  2. #17
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Eberly View Post
    I heard that Captain America is a ghost the whole movie that only Iron Man can see, Loki is Hawkeye's father, Black Widow is actually a guy, and Thor is Kaiser Soze.
    Uh, no, I don't know what you've been listening to.

    Nick Fury is Kaiser Soze.

  3. #18


    *shakes fist*

    If it wasn't for those darned kids...

  4. #19
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    They *will* keep meddling!

  5. #20
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    Revu'd it.

    It's still going for spoiler-free.

    - Le Messor
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  6. #21


    At my daughter's insistent urging, I broke down and bought and watched Captain America.

    Ugh. Still really detest the character.

    But the movie was 'good'. Not great, but good.

    On another note (or is that the same note? I'm tone deaf, so it is hard to tell), my favourite part was where the real soldiers mocked him and threw fruit at him; I enjoyed that.
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  7. #22
    Harvester of Sorrows Department H
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    That would be a fun part for somebody who doesn't like him.
    Now the first part of the party of the first part...
    (Del, you wanna take over?)

  8. #23


    thor in 3d was pretty cool. nothing real special about the 3d but still look good
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  9. #24
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    I never watch movies in 3D, especially if I know they were converted rather than filmed that way. Which, come to think of it, I don't know about Thor.

    My showing of The Avengers tomorrow was advertised as being in 'glorious, comic book-like 2D'! (My first viewing was also 2D, but I don't know if it was advertised that way... in fact, we still didn't even know how many dimensions it had while we were in line in the theatre.)

    - Le Messor
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  10. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    That would be a fun part for somebody who doesn't like him.
    Now the first part of the party of the first part...
    (Del, you wanna take over?)
    "...shall be known in this contract as the party of the first part. How do you like that, eh?"

    "No that's-a no good."

    "What's the matter with it?"

    "I don't-a know. Let's hear it again."

    "Third Base!"

    Wait...I may have gotten my skits crossed there in the end...

  11. #26
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    Thanks! Was going real well until the treasurer and the premier got mixed into it. (Seriously, we have a couple of politicians here in Oz with the names Abbot and Costello...) One day to go! 'til my second viewing of the movie. - Le Messor "Australia will never acquire a national identity until individual Australians acquire identities of their own." ~ Patrick White

  12. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by Le Messor View Post
    Thanks! Was going real well until the treasurer and the premier got mixed into it. (Seriously, we have a couple of politicians here in Oz with the names Abbot and Costello...) One day to go! 'til my second viewing of the movie. - Le Messor "Australia will never acquire a national identity until individual Australians acquire identities of their own." ~ Patrick White
    So you've got comedians as politicians, while in America we just have a bunch of clowns.

    To keep it topic-related...Why is it every time I see Scarlet Johannsen (sp?) as Black Widow, I think she would be perfect as another famous Avenger, Mrs. Peel?
    Last edited by Jason Eberly; 04-24-2012 at 09:15 AM. Reason: Because I don't want the wrath of Phil to descend upon me for the thread getting off-topic.

  13. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jason Eberly View Post
    To keep it topic-related...Why is it every time I see Scarlet Johannsen (sp?) as Black Widow, I think she would be perfect as another famous Avenger, Mrs. Peel?
    (Scarlett Johansson; I had to look it up for my review)
    At my first viewing, somebody saw the line and asked what it was about - when somebody told him it was the Avengers movie, he asked if it'd already been made and if it was about spies... after a while I had to step in and explain the difference between The Avengers and The Avengers. Then I mentioned it at work yesterday (after he asked my plans for tomorrow), and had to do it again.

    Maybe it'll be easier if we stop calling her Natasha and start calling her Emma?

    - Le Messor
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  14. #29


    I viewed the Green Lantern movie for the first time several hours ago.

    Hm. As disappointing as I find some of Marvel's movie work, DC sure does have a long way to go to tell entertaining feature-length films. As much as I enjoy the story of Hal Jordan, this movie was a major diappointment, and i doubt it would turn anybody on to wanting to read Green Lantern comics after having seen it. Ryan Reynolds is a good actor, but seemed to be phoning in his lines for the entire movie, he just wasn't believable. There was a LOT of CGI, and most of it detracted from the movie rather than adding to it, as if it just didn't quite synch properly with the film.

    So, if this ends up being a lead-in to a future Justice League movie, they might want to consider re-filming it first. A definite miss.
    Last edited by Flightpath07; 04-25-2012 at 02:40 AM. Reason: fixxing tipoz
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  15. #30
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    The GL movie was never a lead-in to a JLA.
    I found it... okay. Not good, but not terrible, either. Just... okay. At best.
    And relentlessly dark grey. What's with all the grey?

    The problem was, it should've been great.

    - Le Messor
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