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Thread: Wow... I didn't see that one coming... (Big Hero 6 Film)

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  1. #1


    It's not fully green-lit at this point. And, if Disney is silly enough to think this is a good idea, they lose respect points right off the top (of Walt's cryogenically frozen head).

    This article in the link does not ever mention Pixar; is Pixar Disney's one and only animation movie company?

    Question: if this gets made, will the Japanese be as offended by the animated-depiction of Japanese people, as I am of Caucasian people in all current Japanese anime?
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  2. #2


    Quote Originally Posted by Flightpath07 View Post
    It's not fully green-lit at this point. And, if Disney is silly enough to think this is a good idea, they lose respect points right off the top (of Walt's cryogenically frozen head).
    So creating a fun, family + children friendly film based on an original property rather than re-hashing/remaking an old film, that might get kids into comics is wrong?

    This article in the link does not ever mention Pixar; is Pixar Disney's one and only animation movie company?
    Nope, but it states John Lasseter, creator and head of Pixar and Principal Creative Advisor for Disney.
    His filmography speaks volumes.

    Question: if this gets made, will the Japanese be as offended by the animated-depiction of Japanese people, as I am of Caucasian people in all current Japanese anime?
    That's kinda a catch 22 loss for them; they make a family full of white people and get accused of racism, they focus on a team of Japanese characters and get accused of racism. They can't really win either way. (And not accusing you of racism, just going by comments on other boards.)
    Also, there's nothing to say it's going to be in an anime style at all.

    It's all far too soon to be speculating, either way.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    That's kinda a catch 22 loss for them; they make a family full of white people and get accused of racism, they focus on a team of Japanese characters and get accused of racism.
    They can have Japanese characters, and be accused of using racist stereotypes; or make them ordinary people and be accused of just writing white people and being racistly insensetive; or have no Japanese, and be accused of not including them because they're racist.


    The word 'racist' lost all meaning for me the day I was accused of racism for daring to say North and South America are two different continents. People just throw it around for anything they happen to feel like on the day.

    - Le Messor
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