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Thread: Hmm...

  1. #1

    Default Hmm...

    Promising to impact all major Marvel characters, "Marvel NOW!" will start in October with the debut of "Uncanny Avengers" #1, and continue until February of 2013 -- launching one or more new titles every week. That's a minimum of about 20+ new titles. There will be both relaunches of existing titles and the return of old favorites we haven't seen in a good long while. Some characters will get new costumes, weapons and identities, and even the covers themselves will get a design makeover. The key words here are "shake-up," "change" and "new" -- but don't call it a "reboot." Marvel insists that this is not an abandoning of their rich past -- but rather making it more accessible to as many readers as possible.

  2. #2


    Link goes to a non-existing page, Phil.

    If this is true, it sounds like Marvel has decided to follow the lead of DC. IF.
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  3. #3


    Oooh... Looks like they were made to take the page down! Legal fun & games!!!

    I think they've taken DC's business example, but aren't rebooting and are keeping continuity. That makes sense to me.

  4. #4


    Well, that'll be a good jumping-off point for me, then, a good time to rid myself of everything Marvel that isn't absolutely necessary.
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  5. #5

  6. #6


    Now THAT might be worth watching...
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Official news -

    Interesting to see if it were to lead to more AF...
    Doubtful since the most likely place for AF is in the X-books and I won't say his name because everyone knows I hate him because he is a stupid jerk and I hate him will be writing the X-books. This is definitely bad news for AF.
    Are you an Alpha Flight Collector?

  8. #8


    Not necessarily.
    If they're mixing the MU up it could mean we get an Alphan on an Avengers team, or it could mean a Volume 5 with a top creative team...

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by rplass View Post
    Doubtful since the most likely place for AF is in the X-books and I won't say his name because everyone knows I hate him because he is a stupid jerk and I hate him will be writing the X-books. This is definitely bad news for AF.
    I've been doing a **** job catching up on WTF has been going on with Marvel, so I'm honestly not sure which writer you're talking about. Please say the name, because now my curiosity is driving me insane.

    Ok, I know better than to let myself hope Marvel will un**** it's self, but I am glad that they're basically saying they're going to throw a bunch of stuff at the wall and see what sticks. This could be an opportunity for them to try some new things, give some stuff a chance that they wouldn't before, etc. I mean, that's a lot of new titles, and if they want to shake things up and give us something new, they'll have to do something other than 10 new Avengers Titles, 10 new X titles, and Wolverine as a main character in at least half of them. LOL I'm actually going to pay attention and see if they come up with anything that looks promising.

    It seems to me like they're saying 'Wow, DC out sold us with a bunch of first issues. Lets flood the market with first issues WITHOUT destroying the 616 universe.' Sounds like a plan. Now lets just hope some of the better ideas are given enough of a run to find a fan base before they get canceled. Maybe Byrne should re-submit for that Northstar-led superhero team, eh? (if only!)

    I'd love to see someone who hasn't written Wildchild yet steal the character away, but I know Loeb is Joe Q's pet writer or something, so... another 'if only'.

    Ok, I think the possibilities are probably just going to lead to a lot of annoying and fruitless brain storming on my part. *sigh*
    "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me. Fool me thrice, you must be Marvel."
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  10. #10


    Rob's referring to upcoming All New X-Men writer Brian Bendis.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we did see a Northstar series, even if just a mini.
    And I'm not the only one to think it.

  11. #11


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Rob's referring to upcoming All New X-Men writer Brian Bendis.

    I wouldn't be surprised if we did see a Northstar series, even if just a mini.
    And I'm not the only one to think it.
    Love the quote by Kevin Street: "It’s the same comics you’ve been reading for years, but different! Somehow it’s different. Just trust us and buy it!"


    I would agree, though, with several of the comments posted there. Marvel is going to have to dupe a lot of people into honestly believing they are actually doing anything different. If anything, the only different thing they are doing here, is FOLLOWING what DC successfully did already. Yes, they are making a few changes to the format. But, in the end, they are also doing exactly what they do every six months or a year or so, which is cancel titles and then restart them called something else to try to drive up consumer interest.

    In the end, this isn't anything new from Marvel, it is the same tired old same-old-same-old. Different wrapping paper, exact same stuff. Sorry Marvel, this is one guy you can't fool in this way; underneath that shiny wrapping paper (put out by the Marvel spin-doctor lawyers) is the same fruit cake you have been trying to sell me for oh-too-many-years!

    I'll pass.

    Phil, I KNOW you are going to refute this as the voice-of-reason to my rantings (as per usual), and good on you for taking that road again. But, really, is this REALLY anything different than what they always do? It seems to me, that when DC did a full reboot of all of their properties at once, it made headlines because it had never been done before; it was shocking and visionary, while this thing that Marvel plans to do feels more like a parlor magician waving a hammer around in one hand while he pockets your watch with his other.

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  12. #12


    Oh no, no defending at all.
    It's a gimmick pure and simple and I'm fed up of restarting #1's.

    BUT I prefer this way, over DC's let's just forget the past 60 years ever happened reboot.

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by EccentricSage View Post
    if they want to shake things up and give us something new, they'll have to do something other than 10 new Avengers Titles, 10 new X titles, and Wolverine as a main character in at least half of them.
    LOL! No, ES, they don't want to shake things up, they want to give the illusion of doing something new. Don't hold your breath that it'll be anything other than what you describe.

    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    BUT I prefer this way, over DC's let's just forget the past 60 years ever happened reboot.
    Me, too. I'm worried about the couple of titles I might actually enjoy (Captain Marvel looks promising - will they cancel it five months in... Nah, Marvel would nev-- sorry.)

    So far, I'm not excited about any of them - but I'll wait and see. I might find there are some I will enjoy.
    That said, I read about 12 issues of Hickman's FF. I found it managed to be both offensive and boring. I mean, that takes talent - you'd think the offense alone would make it 'interesting', but no. So I won't be reading his Avengers.

    The problem with, say, the 'All New All Different X-Men starring the original team from 1963' is that Marvel don't get it. They publish something like that to try to bring back old readers; but what they're doing is writing old characters in a modern way - which bores / alienates me.
    As a reader, I like the old-fashioned style of comics (70s and 80s, not so much 60s) - so I'd rather read a new title done in the style of that time than the other way around.

    - Le Messor
    "Illiterate? Write for free help"

  14. #14


    I'm a sucker for these kinds of things personally. I've never been a huge comic book reader (with the exception of Alpha Flight over the last three years I'd say). So "new starts" such as this allows me to join in at a particular point, and learn about Marvel history at the same time. I only hope that some Alphans get a chance to join some other teams or lead their own team in their very own comic series. I'd particularly love to see more Northstar, Snowbird, Shaman, Talisman, Vindicator and Sasquatch.... oh... well... I guess most of the team!

  15. #15


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Oh no, no defending at all.
    It's a gimmick pure and simple and I'm fed up of restarting #1's.

    BUT I prefer this way, over DC's let's just forget the past 60 years ever happened reboot.

    lol. I'm so used to you being the voice of reason to my rants., now I just don't know what to do!
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