Now that you put it that way, I'm beginning to see why you like him.
As I've also said before, I'd love to see the comedic element of him chasing Snowbird around, calling her his "wife" and telling her to come make little godlings with him, and her telling him to "stop calling me your wife!" and being just disgusted by him. Again, i know there are host of those who'd rather let everything Volume III die, but the comedy aspect of this would be a real tension-reliever in an ongoing AF book.

I suspect you mean Norman here.
Well, unless Norman Osborne follows Langkowski's lead and becomes a "Wanda", yes.

Bedlam - Absolutely one of the creepiest villains I've seen. Very powerful, very psychotic... thought he could be a real bada$$ that could appear from time to time and cause real havoc.
Thank you, Alphan East! I had forgotten about Bedlam, and I was racking my poor little brain, trying to remember what it was around that time-frame that i liked...

Totally agree with you on the "creepy" part.

As for Windshear, i always enjoyed him as (A) a seemingly (in my eyes, anyways)reluctant hero, and (B) a great mentor and teacher for the younger heroes.

Earthmover? Yes, good potential as well. In my mind, i have always expanded his power-set of earth-based powers to include teleportation (as long as he and others are touching terra firma) and calling upon the dead buried near him to aid him or speak with him. Adds a bit of creepiness to him, as well?