So, after an exciting trip to my LCS (no, not the "Lando Calrissian Salon"; my Local Comic Shop!), I came home and poured myself thickly through the syrupy pages of goodness of two brand new titles,

these being

Justice League of America # 1


The Fearless Defenders # 1.

Without giving away too much, I am pumped about both of them!

JLA 1 was a good read, with a good premise for creating the team. The members seem to be mainly 'dark', which suits the premise though. That's dark as in "moody, on the verge of criminal, a little schizo and/or nutso, etc". Should be fun to see what sort of major trouble they can get into!

The Fearless Defenders...well! This issue has left me almost speechless (good thing i am typing, and not dictating!)! I thought it might be good. I hoped it would be good.
It was a Marvel comic, and i do not get any of these monthly anymore, so part of me also hoped it sucked. I'll admit it, i wasn't looking forward to being hooked by this; i certainly didn't expect it! Truthfully, after the way Marvel frigged up the last series to have "Defenders" in the title, I thought I might give this one a few issues, and then drop it like a hot potato.
I was wrong. Oh, so VERY wrong!
Not ONLY did this series work as a "Defenders" title (surprise, surprise!), but it also brought back warm thoughts of classic Powerman and Iron Fist comics as well!
It sucked me in.
And I'm okay with that.

If you haven't read these two issues, you should. Especially The Fearless Defenders.

I've harped on Marvel for a long-long-long time, so now i'll say what i doubted I might ever say again; with this one series, Marvel, you have done a top-notch job!