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Thread: Why Iron man 3 is crap (literally)

  1. #1

    Default Why Iron man 3 is crap (literally)

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  2. #2


    Hmm.. I thought it was the best Marvel film yet.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    Hmm.. I thought it was the best Marvel film yet.
    Really? Was that humour?

    I've got to say, in all honesty, I thought they should have stopped while they were ahead. Number 1, it was great. Number 2, had a much different feel to it, but was okay. The third one, i thought it was just a joke, quite awful.
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  4. #4


    No humour; I really liked IM3.
    Probably because it was more Tony Stark: Noir Genius Detective than Iron Man: Playboy Superhero, and I liked that.

    I thought the Mandarin made a lot more sense in a modern 2013 setting than a magic ring'ed sorcerer, but can see why other people felt cheated.

  5. #5


    I liked Iron man 3... for the most part. It was nowhere near the level of the first film, but was still enjoyable.
    It's one main drawback though, and it was a HUGE one, was how they represented the Mandarin. I had been waiting through the first 2 movies to finally see how they would portray him, and when it was released that Ben Kingsley (IMO, one of the finest actors around) would be playing him, I started setting my expectations way up.
    Kingsley did not disappoint... the script did however. His tone and mannerisms were spot on for the Mandarin, up until the twist that threw a mental curveball at most every comic fan. If they had kept the character true to the comics this would have been a far, far better movie.
    Again, as always... just my opinion.
    The Flight Forever !

  6. #6


    I liked IM3 but agree too that it wasn't in the magnitude of #1. At least #3 had a villain but their tale on extremis made no sense, all that heat (uh, boiling blood, tissue necrotization while you're hot, and so on) hurt the film, but it was so much better than 'drunken jerk Tony' in IM2. My sons liked IM1 the best, hated IM2 (won't even watch it on Netflix or iTunes) and liked IM3.

    IM1 or Avengers, which is Marvel's best?
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  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by Phil View Post
    No humour; I really liked IM3.
    Probably because it was more Tony Stark: Noir Genius Detective than Iron Man: Playboy Superhero, and I liked that.

    I thought the Mandarin made a lot more sense in a modern 2013 setting than a magic ring'ed sorcerer, but can see why other people felt cheated.
    I also didn't mind the Mandarin part. And i agree with you, Phil, that the movie was more of a Tony Stark movie than an Iron man movie - which was precisely WHY I did not like it!

    (And, really, isn't Tony Stark just a drunken portrayal of Bruce Wayne done very poorly?)
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  8. #8


    I thought it had some good moments but got progressively worse as it went on, very preachy, and the ending was just stupid. Tony blowing up all his suits in some meaningless gesture that changes nothing and Pepper reacting as though it changes everything when she knows damn well, we all know damn well, he's just going to rebuild them. Better hope he doesn't need them for another adventure too soon! *rolls eyes* And worst of all the god awful epilogue where they undo Pepper's powers. Utter ****. Because they couldn't be assed to come up with some actual character development for Pepper for the next movie, got to return this **** to the status quo! -__- Pepper briefly achieved Waifu status there, I'll have you know, when she was the one who thrashed the villain, saved Tony, and then just looks up and goes 'wow, that was REALLY violent! D8' But no, she has to go back to being some combination of Tony's assistant and Tony's nagging girl friend. Ugh.

    I thought the villain was also too cliche for this day and age. The part where he has captured Tony and is talking about his evil plan. I have your giiiiirl friiiieeeend mwahahahahaha! Really?

    Good video. I don't have a problem with a few cliches if they are part of a good plot or make sense, but yeah... all the inconsistancies with the suits. I had that feeling when I was watching, everything was too convenient to the plot and we were left to make excuses for these problems, but I wasn't able to put my finger on what was bothering me beinmg that it had been forever since I watched the first two movies, everything is going at a frantic pace, and I was having some sort of insane over heating issue of my own in the theater. I could hardly stand to sit there through the whole thing much less figure out why Tony didn't call his suits a whole lot sooner. lol
    Last edited by EccentricSage; 10-14-2013 at 07:25 PM.
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  9. #9
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    I don't have time for the vid right now, but I'll weigh in on the movie:

    I'm with AE... I mostly enjoyed the movie, but I was very disappointed by the notorious twist.
    Also, AIM - it's just one guy.
    They took two major villains and made them weaksauce...

    And yet, it was still a fun movie.

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