Oh yeah, I know... but sending them to Hell still seems like a stupid idea to me... I don't know if it made more sense in context of the writing or whatever, and maybe it's because I'm not Christian, but I think it's stupid... Especially since 'Hell' is already covered by the Norse part of Marvel Mythology come to life. I'm sure you can imagine how I feel about Nightcrawler actually being the son of a demon or some crap, too... I mean, if a devout member of an abramic religion goes to ether some version of Heaven or 'Hell', cool, I'm down with that... but making characters demons for no reson when their powers had already had an origin, and sending an atheist to hell... yeah...no...

But yeah like you said, they've only done it once! XD And I mean, was he even REALLY dead that time?

As to Storm in the movies... Hally can only play abused women. She belongs on Lifetime, not in superhero movies. Pathetic. I'd heard from others that there were deleted scenes for Storm in Days of Future Past, where in the final cut she's just a background character. Given the fact that Storm is a very important X-Man but has been nothing but a 'Sexy Lamp' in ALL the X-Men movies, if it's true she had scenes and they got cut, yeah, I'm blaming Hally for turning Storm into a simpering bimbo. That probably has SOMETHING to do with it.

I was thinking Iman for storm... She's statuesque, intimidating, but warm and kind underneath, and she actually is from Africa and has an incredible commanding voice... she wouldn't really even have to TRY. lol